I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!
How to Attract High Calibre Clients & Step into a Higher Calibre Client Experience [ep.135]
So you want to attract high calibre clients, amazing! Now, how do you do that? Two things: mindset and strategy. (Don't you dare skip the mindset part because that's the biggest piece of it!). When I see my clients wanting to attract high calibre clients and step into a higher calibre client experience, a lot of limiting beliefs come up. And in today's episode, I show you how to overcome them!
Removing the Frantic Energy in Your Business [ep.134]
Are you ready to talk about the frantic energy in your business? It's that energy of "Why isn't this happening for me? What am I doing wrong? What else can I do to get to that 10K faster?". It's like your mind is racing a million miles per hour, thinking of all the things that you should be doing to make the business work and bring more money in. The problem with the frantic energy is that it has a direct impact on your business, your strategy, your clients, the way you show up for your audience, and your well-being too!
What to Do if an Old Pattern Keeps Repeating [ep.133]
In today’s episode, I talk about something that I know many of my 1:1 clients and members of The Higher Self Society struggle with - old behaviour patterns or old limiting beliefs that keep coming back. Have you ever found yourself doing mindset work, breaking through your limiting beliefs, having “aha” moments, understanding your behaviour patterns, feeling so proud of yourself, seeing all the progress you’ve made, and then… Out of nowhere, that old annoying pattern shows up! How is that even possible? You worked through it already so why it keeps repeating?
Harnessing the Reticular Activating System to Turn Dreams into Reality [ep.132]
One of the very first things I learned about when I entered the coaching world was the Reticular Activating System or RAS, and it BLEW MY MIND! If you are anything like me, you roll your eyes whenever people say things like "I totally manifested my dream business." It leaves people confused, like what? How did you manifest it? Did you just think about it one night, wake up, and it was there? Of course not! You thought about what you wanted, took action, and then it turned into your reality. And the Reticular Activating System played a significant role in the process, so let's talk about that!
Do You Keep Getting in the Way of Your Own Success? [ep.131]
Do you keep getting in the way of your own success? If the answer is a big fat yes, then you are in the right place today! I know you; I was you! You want to be a wealthy CEO, have freedom in your life and business, grow and scale your business at a rapid rate, and you can see yourself doing it but… You repeatedly fall into the vicious cycle of habits and behaviour patterns that don’t support you in stepping into the higher version of yourself.
Separating Yourself from Your Business [ep.130]
There is a big difference between operating your business based on your identity and defining your identity based on the performance of your business. Your business has needs, you have needs and they aren’t always the same. If you’re constantly attaching your self worth to the results you’re seeing in your business, you will burn out.
Finding the Balance Between Gratitude and Ambition: Where You Are vs Where You Are Going [ep.129]
Finding the balance between gratitude and ambition is a challenge that many of my clients, myself included, struggle with. I remember how I used to tell myself, "When I make X amount of money, then I'll finally be happy and enjoy my life." Yeah, sure!
Everyone procrastinates, and anyone can overcome it! [ep.128]
When Beckie’s clients come to her, they often feel like procrastination is just part of who they are at this point, and they often feel ashamed for struggling with it. “I am committed to my goals, I want to do the work, I’m ready to put in the effort… so why can’t I just do the damn thing?!!”. They feel frustrated with themselves but you know what, everyone procrastinates, but the beauty of subconscious reprogramming is that anyone can overcome it.
3 Reasons You Are Overcomplicating Things in Your Business [ep.127]
As humans, we LOVE overcomplicating things for no reason. Many business owners crave ease, flow, and simplicity, yet they still fall into the trap of overcomplicating things. It's almost as if when showing up in your business comes easily to you, and clients are drawn to you just by your personality shining through, it somehow feels wrong.
Running Your Business Based on How You Operate as a Human and CEO [ep.126]
In the online space, it's not as common as it should be to run a business based on how you operate as a human and CEO. Many business owners doubt themselves because none of the strategies they've tried seem to work. So when they hear about the latest strategy that some coach is raving about, they are excited to try it out!
How to Grow Self Discipline for Business Success [ep.125]
Do you struggle with self-discipline? You’re not alone. Many of my clients often start their week feeling super motivated, ready to tackle a huge list of tasks and new habits they want to create. But by the end of the day, their excitement fades away, and the list doesn’t seem to be getting any shorter. Can you relate? I know I sure can!
5 Signs You Are In Business Growth Avoidance [ep.124]
If you have been a loyal listener of Higher Self & I, you've heard me say that 95% of our behavior patterns happen subconsciously. Your subconscious mind may put you in business growth avoidance without you even realizing it, because its goal is to keep you safe. As your future mindset coach, *wink wink*, it's my job to call you out and show you how this pattern can be changed.
3 Things to Consider if You Have Lost Yourself in Your Strategy [ep.123]
You wouldn’t believe how often I see business owners spending thousands and thousand of dollars on masterminds, masterclasses, business coaches, courses - yet the promised results never come. They keep making more and more investments in hopes that they'll finally unlock the secret they've been looking for all this time and explode their business.
What if Discomfort Is the Pathway to Success [ep.122]
Let’s be honest, not many people like to push themselves out of their comfort zone. It’s called a COMFORT zone for a reason, right? But what if I told you that embracing discomfort could be the key to unlocking your success?
I Am Scared of Who I Will Be if I Make Those High-Cash Months [ep.121]
One of the things my ideal clients tell me before we start working together is that they are afraid of who they will become when they start making high-cash months. It’s understandable. Think about all the stories we hear about being rich or rich people…
5 Reasons You Are Ignoring Doing the Subconscious Work in Your Business [ep.120]
Tell me how many times you invested in a program or course thinking: “Yes, this is it! This is the missing piece! This is going to save my business!”? You make the investment, follow a new business strategy, change your niche, content, graphics, and then…
Setting Boundaries vs Holding Boundaries [ep. #119]
Be honest, are you the type of person who sets your boundaries on Sunday night but then Monday comes around and you throw the boundaries out of the window? If you keep setting boundaries but never stick to them, you reinforce the belief that you won’t do what you said you would do. So if you are ready to enter that higher self, tune in to today’s episode, where I talk about the difference between setting and holding boundaries, how to set boundaries and actually stick to them.
Your Upper Limit & How To Break Through It [ep. #118]
Upper limit is a real thing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You will run into the upper limit problem every time you hit a new financial goal, every time you level up, every time you enforce a new boundary. Tune in to today’s podcast episode, where I share how to identify that you are hitting your upper limit, analyze it, understand where it’s coming from, and how to break through it!
Moving Out of Victim Mentality [ep. #117]
I asked you on Instagram stories what you want me to talk about on the next podcast episode and most people voted for “moving out of victim mentality”. Victim mentality is a very popular topic and I see it again and again not only with my clients but in daily life too. So that’s what today’s episode will be about! Tune in to learn about what is victim mentality, how and why it shows up, how to ditch victim mentality and start shifting into a higher version of yourself instead!
How I Broke My Scarcity Mindset and Stepped Into My Multi 6 Figure Identity [ep. #116]
Breaking my scarcity mindset and stepping into my multi 6 figure identity was one of the hardest things I had to do. There I said it! Breaking a scarcity mindset is not a quick thing like flipping a switch and all of a sudden you are in the abundance mindset. No, it takes practice but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Tune in to today’s episode where I tell you all about how to shift out scarcity mindset into abundance, wealth and growth!