3 Things to Consider if You Have Lost Yourself in Your Strategy [ep.123]
Hello lovely lady and welcome to Higher Self and I!
You wouldn’t believe how often I see business owners spending thousands and thousand of dollars on masterminds, masterclasses, business coaches, courses - yet the promised results never come. They keep making more and more investments in hopes that they'll finally unlock the secret they've been looking for all this time and explode their business. I know how easy it is to get lost on social media, look at what other people are doing and feel like no matter what you do, no matter what investment you make, you are always one step behind.
But what if I told you that you already have the magic bullet? That you already know what you need to do to bring abundance to your life and build wealth? The key lies within you! Tune in to today’s podcast episode, where I talk about why is your strategy is not working for you, what you need to change to achieve big results and much more! So don't wait any longer and unlock your power now!
Topics covered on Strategy:
What important aspects you are missing out on if you are too focused on your business strategy?
Why your business strategy might not be working for you?
Discover how to achieve big results in your business.
How to build self-trust so that you can step into your next-level business strategy?
The importance of repetition when building self-trust.
What is the consumption ban and how I use it with my clients?
How I’ve grown my business to where it is today?
Why you need to stop comparing yourself with other?
How to create consistency within yourself and your business?
“Stop thinking that everyone else has the answers. You have the answers. You know what to do.”
Transcription: Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!
[00:00:00] Hello, beautiful lady. Welcome back to Higher Self and I, I hope you're having a good day. Today we are gonna have a little look at three things to consider if you've lost yourself in your strategy. Now, this might feel a little bit new to you today because you might not notice that you've been doing this.
[00:00:21] You might not notice that you've lost yourself in the strategy, in the kind of doing in the constant. Trying to over consume and overlearn. Over know what you need to be doing in the how of your business, and you've probably seen success, okay? You've experienced the growth, but right now there's a cheeky block.
[00:00:47] There's a little cheeky block that's not letting you pass that current. Level you've been kind of feeling Maybe a little bit stagnant, a bit stuck. This business rollercoaster that I hear so very often when my clients first start working with me. Kind of flipping back and forward, not truly giving yourself enough time to settle into the strategy that you know will work.
[00:01:13] And I see this so often that you get yourself so lost and so wrapped up. And so, um, focused on the strategy side of things that actually you are missing a very important. The subconscious mind, obviously to hold you in the strategies and you are constantly on this investment. Overlearn over consume investment, overlearn over consume within strategy, whether it's content, whether it's product suite, whether it's like whatever the strategy is that you are investing in right now.
[00:01:50] Thinking that it's gonna work, thinking this is gonna be the thing. This is gonna be the one thing that really, truly helps me. And the problem is, is that it's not a lack of knowledge. It's not a lack of know-how. It's not you not believing that it's not even available for you. It's just those subconscious beliefs that are not holding you in trusting the strategy that you know works.
[00:02:14] And I've seen this so often. I saw it really, really clearly with one of the clients that I worked with last year, where now actually we've done the mindset work. We've got over some of the blocks that we're holding her back, and she's doing exactly the same strategy that she quote unquote, thought wasn't working when we started working together.
[00:02:33] She uses it now and she actually teaches it and makes a lot of money from teaching it so, It was because of the subconscious beliefs. It was because of a lot of actions that were happening around the kind of lack of, um, belief that she had within that that was really making her lost in the strategy.
[00:02:52] When I mean lost, what I mean by lost in the strategy is that you're constantly looking outside of yourself. For the missing piece, and that's why I really wanted to dive into three things that I think you can, that I think that I know that you can go through to really allow yourself to one, become assistant consistently consistent with your strategy, aligned with that strategy that works for you.
[00:03:20] And two, do it long enough so you reap and see the rewards. So, Let's start today with self-trust because a lot of the time that we move away from a strategy, sometimes within the first week of trying it, some we sometimes within the first month of trying it is because of the lack of self-trust within ourselves.
[00:03:47] Now, I'm not saying that every strategy. Might work for you. Like there could be some strategies that you are doing within your business right now that are definitely not working and you've given it a really good go. That's a different podcast. Right now we are talking about you trusting yourself and knowing that the, the strategy that you are using right now is going to come to fruition.
[00:04:12] So when you look at continuously building the self trust, this is because you are seeking reassurance from elsewhere right now. And the more you seek reassurance from the external, The more you lack trust within yourself, it doesn't seem to be enough of an indication for you to trust yourself. So you have to keep looking at the external.
[00:04:37] And yes, it is important to look at the external sometimes when it comes to your business, whether that's monetary, external downloads. Uh, saves on your post, you know, whatever, like what's resonating with your audience. Yes, that external is very important within your business, but if you keep pinning your success or your worth onto this, that's when it starts to go wrong.
[00:04:59] So have a little look of how you can continue to build self-trust to be able to stick to the strategy that you want to step into. And how, how do we do this? I know that's the question that you're asking. How do we do this? The first thing that you need to have a look at is where the lack of self-trust is coming from.
[00:05:24] Is it from a previous experience? Is it something that happened between the ages of seven? Probably, yes. So is it the fact that you haven't been consistent in your life, that you haven't, um, allowed yourself to step into that consistency before? What does that look like for you? Have a little look. Get really familiar with what that is because that's where we're gonna find the key.
[00:05:50] That's where we're gonna start to unlock and have a look at actually what it could be. Instead from there, you want to start to build that trust muscle. Just like you would build muscles at the gym, and I say this all the time, you wouldn't go to the gym. One day and do 20 K deadlift and then go the next day and do a hundred K deadlift.
[00:06:11] You have to work up, you have to build the muscle to work up to that amount. So we need to do that with the trust muscle as well. Really starting to seek out the evidence of you trusting yourself. Even that even. That's you trusting yourself to make a decision on what to watch. Trust yourself on making a decision on, um, what to cook for dinner.
[00:06:39] Trust yourself to make a decision on what to wear. Trust yourself to make a decision on how to call to action your one-to-one services or sell your one-to-one services. Whatever that looks like. You need to keep building that muscle. Building the muscle within your subconscious mind happens through repetition.
[00:06:59] It happens through acknowledgement that you are doing it. Like, oh, look at me trusting myself. Ting, dinging. We've got the evidence and repetition. The brain lends best from repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition. So how many times in the day can you go? Oh, okay. I could trust myself a little bit more.
[00:07:18] Oh, okay. I could actually bring this in a little bit more here. Here. Really start to work on the trusting of yourself. The more you trust yourself, the more you can go. You know what? I'm gonna give a really good go to this strategy that I've spent a lot of money learning. I'm gonna give a really good go at this strategy that when I invested in this course, I thought was gonna be the be all and end all strategy.
[00:07:44] Maybe you haven't given it enough time to actually see what it could do for your business. So first of all, build the self-trust. Have a little look where is lack of self-trust coming up in your life? Is it more so in your business? Do you have trust in other areas of your life? Could you pull upon things where you're like, wow, okay.
[00:08:04] I really trust myself in my relationship, so what's different than my business in that? What makes the difference? Why do I trust myself in my relationship or trust myself with my health? Trust myself in my money, and I don't trust myself in the business? Because if you can do it for one thing, you can do it for everything.
[00:08:22] How we do one thing is how we do everything. So really having a look at the trust that you have. Okay, what's stopping me from trust myself in my business? Is it a belief? Is it a story? Probably having a look. Really continue to build the self-trust. Number two, something that I do with my clients all the time is a consumption ban.
[00:08:45] Stop consuming. Because when you find yourself continuously triggered by other coaches, by other coaches or business owners, rapid growth, just kind of comparing yourself to them anyway, you are again bringing that lack of trust. You know, you shouldn't be comparing yourself and you know you want to do better at it, but there's something that just takes you back every single time.
[00:09:10] And actually you keep watching what that person's doing with their strategy, and you keep watching what that person's doing with their strategy, and you're like, well, they're doing it, so let's switch it. Okay, they're doing it, so let's switch it. They're doing it, so let's switch it. And you're consuming this many people's strategies and you're like, I'll add this and I'll add this and I'll add this.
[00:09:26] And you've lost yourself. You've lost yourself and what you know to be true. Maybe one strategy that you've been doing has been really freaking working, bringing you in the big books, and you go, Ugh, okay, well I've done that strategy now, so let's change here. Like, I've grown my business by repetition. I really have stuck to and repeated on repeat, on repeat, on repeat.
[00:09:51] And it works because I've trusted myself. In that, and yes, have I wanted to, um, veer away or thought it wasn't working in the past? Yes, of course I have, but the trust in that repetition is key. So stop consuming if you need to unfollow the people. Unfollow the people, if you need to. Put the blinkers on, put the blinkers on, because the moment you trust yourself and your decisions, the moment that you believe that you are freaking worthy.
[00:10:23] Everything you desire, the moment you lead with purpose, that's when comparison fades and actually, You get lost in a strategy because you are consuming others and thinking, okay, well that's how they're doing it, so let me do it. You don't know the backstory of how they've got there. You don't know the backstory of how much time they've put in, of how much money they've invested, how much money they had before the business, how many people they have helping them.
[00:10:47] You can't create that picture. So actually you comparing yourself is taking yourself away from the thing that you know to be true, and I want you to stop doing that number. Number three is creating consistency within yourself. This is one thing that my clients say to me all the time, Beck. I want consistency within myself.
[00:11:09] I want to trust myself that I'm gonna take the action, I wanna trust myself that I'm gonna follow through on through on what I say. And you can, that can become your reality if you repeated enough times and if you have the belief system that supports you in that, you know you want it deep down. But you know like that, why should I even bother?
[00:11:29] I never follow through. I've never done it before, so how can I do it now? Every time you say that, you create this strong neural pathway that proves that to be true. So actually, if you can create consistency within yourself, just like building yourself, trust, have a look, where have you got consistency in other areas of your life?
[00:11:52] Do you wake up every morning? Yes, you do. How have you created that consistency? You learned it. You know you can learn these behaviors. Our brain is neuroplastic. You can learn these behaviors. You can learn to step into the identity of someone who has consistency with themselves. Every ti single time you brush your teeth go, wow.
[00:12:14] Look how consistent I am with brushing my teeth. Every single time you take your dog for a walk, go, wow. Look how consistent I am taking my dog for a walk. Every single time you sit down to do your podcast, every single day, every single Tuesday, every single week, go, wow. Look how consistent I am with this.
[00:12:31] Start to create the evidence bank. Start to build up that amount of evidence that shows that you can be consistent with yourself. Really start. Start as small as you can. Whatever that looks like for you. I was gonna, I was gonna give some examples. The only thing I could think of was eating dinner. Um, but start really small because we need to back ourselves in business.
[00:12:54] We need to back our decisions because we have no one above us, apart from the old universe supporting us. Like we don't have that boss that we can go and ask. We don't have that, um, person doing our, you know, weekly, yearly check-ins and reviews. We have to back ourself and. Every time you say you're gonna do something and you don't do it, you are building that pathway.
[00:13:16] You're building that neural pathway that proves it. So say you're gonna do something and if you know that you are a hundred percent gonna do that, follow through and through and then go, wow, look what I've just done. Look at me following through on my actions and creating the consistency. So let's recap three things that I see.
[00:13:35] If you are kind of falling into the strategy being the answer, if you've lost yourself in kind of constantly working on a strategy that you think is going to work for you, number one, continue to build your self trust. Where in your life do you have self-trust? What's different between that and your business?
[00:13:53] Start to have a look at that. Is it beliefs? Do you need to work with your subconscious around that? Do you need to just build that trust muscle a little bit more? Number two, stop consuming. Stop thinking that everyone else has the answers. You have the answers. You know what to do. Number three, create consistency within your smi, in your smell in yourself.
[00:14:13] The smallest things, the smallest things in your life. Create consistency with them, and then tell your subconscious mind how consistent you are. Look at me being consistent. That's what I do. That's who I am. That's my identity.
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Higher Self & I is the podcast for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve and sustain mind-blowing results in their biz. It’s a show that will release you of your victim mindset and give you complete freedom and energy to jump into the self you always knew you could be. Each week, Rebecca Haydon will help you lock your mindset into gear and empower you to step into the person you always knew you were meant to be – a bad-ass CEO who is here to claim her freaking millionaire life!