I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!



Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Building a Sustainable CEO Money Mindset [ep. #114]

When you feel like your business is unsustainable - a lack of consistency, lack of control, not knowing how you'll bring in clients next month, your nervous system gets overwhelmed and starts sabotaging you subconsciously. How do you fix that? By building a sustainable business and sustainable CEO money mindset. That's exactly what today's episode is about so tune in!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Stop Putting Your Money Mindset Beliefs Onto Your Ideal Clients [ep. #113]

I get so many Voxer messages from my clients telling me they got an ideal client who booked a clarity call and they get super excited, but suddenly they *just know* that this lead will not become a client. You didn’t even have a conversation with this person and you already *just know* that this person can’t afford your services? That’s you putting your money mindset beliefs onto your ideal clients looks like. Tune in to learn how to stop this behaviour!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Embodiment Allows You to Becoming an Energetic Match to Your Ideal Clients [ep. #112]

If you have been around for some time, you know that I talk about embodiment and becoming an energetic match to your ideal client all the time. And there is a reason for it. So if you want to attract high caliber, high-paying clients who will show up every time, do the work, and don’t even flinch when you say the number of the investment of working with you, then you need to start speaking to THAT EXACT next-level client. Want to learn how? Tune in now!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

How Am I Showing Up for Myself and My Business When the Sales Aren’t Coming In? [ep. #111]

Do you know that moment when you are signing up clients left, right, center, your ideal clients are engaging with your content, inquiring about your offers, and then….*crickets*. So you go inside of yourself, start feeling anxious, panic creeps in and you get out of control. I used to do the SAME thing. But now I know that those moments of quiet are the most epic time to reflect. When the sales aren’t coming in, you have the time and space to look within yourself, get curious and ask yourself some very important questions.

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Raise Your Prices [ep. #110]

Raising prices. Two words that either make you cringe (high five if that’s you) or get you excited (proud of you, gorgeous!). Join me today as I talk about the three mindset shifts that you need so you can raise your prices in 2023, the energy you need to lean into to call in the ideal client who is ready to invest with you, how to find the sweet spot when setting the new level of pricing, and more!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Why Your Money Story Is Holding You Back From Massive Wealth [ep. #109]

Do you find yourself having the same money issues all over again? It almost feels like an invisible force holds you back from stepping into the next level of wealth, right? That’s you and your money story, hun! Tune in as I share how you can identify your money story, where it came from, what you make it to mean about you and your business, how you can shift into the new identity of your new money story, and more!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Don’t Feel the Security That You Want Your Business to Bring You? Listen Up! [ep. #108]

When I first started working with my ideal clients, many of them shared with me that they didn't feel secure in their business, and that is something we need to work on. Because if you don’t feel secure in your business, you start sending out almost desperate energy to the world. But you can always tap into the feeling of security at any point of any time of day and I teach you how to do it in today's episode!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

4 Things I Did to Make Multi 6 Figures in 2022 [ep. #107]

Welcome to the last episode of 2022! I thought it would be a great way to close down the year with a little bit of reflection because this year has been HUGE for me in all aspects of my life and business. I truly stepped into my power in my business and I have created financial wealth beyond my wildest dreams. I’m talking about multi 6 figures, baby! It's time to step into the highest version of yourself in 2023!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

What to do when HUGE success feels too far away [ep. #105]

What to do when huge success feels too far away? In today's podcast episode I talk through how to create safety in your juicy business goals, how to train your subconscious to make your juicy business goal feel safe and how you can then research engineer the process for ultimate success. Tune in now!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Success Story: How to Turn the Instant Switch That Takes You From Chronic Procrastinator to a Major Powerhouse with Jennifer Olsson [ep. #103]

How my client Jennifer Olsson, a major powerhouse went from a chronic procrastinator to pulling the instant switch on consistent high-converting clients and growth that she deems “absolutely insane”. If you struggle with practicing what you preach, this is the episode for you to start aligning your actions with your big-picture thinking. We dial in on exactly how Jennifer got to where she is and uncover the secret to her success, the key player that is her mindset, and the support she had to push her into the realm she wanted to identify in.

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Are you a reassurance-seeker? 5 Things That Happen When You Trust Yourself in Business [ep. #101]

Are you a reassurance-seeker? Our CEO self definitely would not be. She would have it all under control, her way or the highway, she would leap and think later. You and I both know that you can not build the business you long for by holding out on the trust department. Your CEO self (the one you yearn to be) is not a reassurance seeker, they stand strong in their decision, they stand strong in themselves and this comes from an unwavering TRUST they have in themselves. And THAT beauty is what we are going to tap into in today’s episode!

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Rebecca Haydon Rebecca Haydon

Hitting 250K, Choosing a Break Up and Moving Back to the Other Side of the World [ep. #100]

Today, I am dropping the juice on how I hit 250K whilst going for the wildest, bumpiest ride of my life. This journey has taught me many things about myself, and how I want to show up for you, and takes me right back to why I started it all. If you’re ready for an earful of motivation to play it bigger, take your time to shine, put yourself first (no matter what it takes), and of course, be ready to listen to what has happened to me over the last couple of months.

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