5 Signs You Are In Business Growth Avoidance [ep.124]
Hello lovely lady and welcome to Higher Self and I!
Something that I repeatedly hear from my community is how much you love it when I call you out because it inspires you to take action. So today's podcast episode won't be any different!
If you have been a loyal listener of Higher Self & I, you've heard me say that 95% of our behavior patterns happen subconsciously. Your subconscious mind may put you in business growth avoidance without you even realizing it, because its goal is to keep you safe. As your future mindset coach, *wink wink*, it's my job to call you out and show you how this pattern can be changed. Before we dive into the episode, I want to emphasize that I'm not here to shame you or make you feel bad about yourself.
My intention is to open your eyes and show you your blind spots, so you can bring yourself out of avoidance and step into multi-5-figure, 6-figure months, and more, with ease. Tune in as I share 5 signs that you are potentially in business growth avoidance, tips on how to get out of it, how I support my clients to overcome business growth avoidance, and more!
Topics covered on Business Growth Avoidance:
Why does every business owner need a coach (myself included)?
How do I support my clients to overcome business growth avoidance?
Why do we easily slip into behaviours that don’t support our business growth?
Common avoidance beliefs that undermine business growth.
The negative impact of avoiding finances on your business and how to change it.
Daily mindset practices to take your business to the next level.
The benefits of asking for help when you need it.
How to let go of victim mentality and heal victim wounds?
Strategies to manage excessive scrolling on social media.
“Your subconscious runs 95% of the show.” - Rebecca Haydon
“Blaming someone else or blaming the externals is not gonna fix your problems, and it's not productive for you either.” - Rebecca Haydon
Transcription: Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!
[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome back to Higher Self and I the podcast. I’m so excited that you're here. As always, I hope you are having a lovely day wherever you are in the world. Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Today I wanted to get a little bit feisty on. You. Um, I have said this before in the podcast, but so many people messaged me being like, Beck, I freaking loved it when you called me out the other day.
[00:00:26] I freaking loved that you called me out. And then I take the action. And sometimes in this day and age, you need to stick up the berm and sometimes you need to dangle the carrot. But today, ladies and gentlemen, it's a stick because I wanna have a look at five signs. When you know that you are avoiding business growth and growth in yourself, to be honest, because these are the five signs that I see a lot with my ideal clients and sometimes my clients that I have to call them out in.
[00:01:02] When that fear of a bigger business, more growth, the next level. Is starting to happen and it happens so subconsciously and it happens so subtly that I have to call them out on it. And to, to be honest, that's what I'm here for as a coach. I'm here to see their blind spots. I'm here to see the, the moments in the kind of subconscious beliefs that are running the show, because a lot of the time you cannot see it yourself.
[00:01:32] That's why I have a coach myself, you know? That's why I do. Work on my mindset with another coach as well, as well as a business coach, I need to have that because when you are in your own environment all the time, it's hard for you to see it yourself. This happens with my dog, Barney all the time. Not from a subconscious level, but Barney is a puppy.
[00:01:55] He is now, um, five months and he has been growing like crazy amounts every single week as puppies do. And he's a golden retriever. So he is gonna be huge. And every time that we see anyone, they always go on about his paws and how big he's gonna be. So I know that because I'm with him every single day, I don't actually see the growth of.
[00:02:17] But my mom and dad, who we pretty much see every weekend, every single Saturday, they're like, oh my God, he's grown so much now to me, because I have been with him every single day, doesn't look any different because I'm with him. He's there like he's not going from like one week to another. Whereas for my mom and dad, they're like, oh my God, he's really grown.
[00:02:38] And this happens when you are inside yourself, with yourself every single day. You don't necessarily see the habits that are happening. So subconsciously, and this is from a good and a bad perspective, I say bad. You know what I mean? Because sometimes my clients will be growing and they'll be [00:03:00] expanding and they'll be kind of really.
[00:03:02] Hitting some incredible goals, but they can't see it because they, they're with themselves all the time, and I have to go like, Hey, look what you've just done. Like, look at how far you've come, and it's really important to do and to kind of show them that equally, it's really easy to slip into habits and thoughts and beliefs that are really easy for you to do, that you no longer want.
[00:03:29] Let's have a look at the five signs that you are potentially right now in business growth avoidance. Just as an fyi, no shame. In this podcast, I don't want you to feel shame from this. I want it to be very neutral, very black and white, and go, okay, I'm potentially doing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of those things. What can I do about it to move forwards?
[00:03:57] I want it to be an eye-opener rather than you sit in hating yourself. It's not what I'm here for. And if you are. An aspiring six figure five figure, six figure multi six figure seven figure coach, business owner, having those most insane dreams for yourself, your life, your business, and having everything come to you with flow and ease.
[00:04:20] We need to have a look at part of the subconscious that might be holding you back and might be falling into avoidance. A lot of the avoidance, um, beliefs that I see within my clients, and I have these myself, is you won't be able to sustain the success. The money will run out. I'm really overwhelmed. I'm so tired.
[00:04:39] Can I really do this? It's all gonna catch up with me. And these thoughts really stop you in your tracks. It's. That form, that beautiful art of procrastination. And you know, I had one of my clients on previously, Jen, and we talked about how. The procrastination was really stopping her and creating this avoidance in her business from growing.
[00:05:02] Look at her now. She's absolutely smashing it. If you wanna go back and listen to that podcast interview, please do. It went down so well with so many of you, because I think so many of you. Saw you in like saw yourself in Jen with the procrastination, and it stops you in your tracks and these thoughts stop you so much that they bring avoidance into your life.
[00:05:24] So here are five things. Five things that I see that you can look out of for yourself that will bring you out of avoidance and allow you to step into the multi five figure, six figure months unit, whatever that looks like to you with so much ease. Really living a life of experiences, whether it's regular travel or taking your family on holiday or just leaving your nine to five job.
[00:05:51] Really being able to run a business that actually feels sustainable and safe. So number [00:06:00] one, number one avoidance that I see when it comes to business growth is closing the door to your finances and hoping for the best. Not looking at your bank account and going, it's too scary to look at my bank account.
[00:06:16] I'm not even gonna go there. Ignoring your finances. Failing to keep track of expenses. Creating that anxiety, uncertainty around money, avoiding the responsibility, stress, all the things. I was definitely in this place. I was definitely avoiding my finances, avoiding the accountant, avoiding my tax, avoiding every notification that I got in.
[00:06:44] Hope that it will all vanish. And guess what guys? It doesn't vanish. So actually, who is the you? What identity do you need to take on to really truly step into the person who feels comfortable with looking at her finances? This is actually. A really important part and task that I do with my clients because you need to make sure that the universe, the, the thing that's bigger than us knows that you are going to be hand be able to handle the amount of money that you want to bring in.
[00:07:20] So if you are currently not even looking at your finances, if you're currently sweeping it under the rug, If you're currently deleting the app off your phone, so you don't even know that's signaling to the universe. Well, she can't even look after the money she has right now. So how can we give her more?
[00:07:40] How can she handle more? And it's part of that step up of, of really stepping into that next level and stepping away from the avoidance. A lot of clients that come on with me, Have to go and like see how much they've got reoccurring. They don't even know. And that's fine. Like I said, there's absolutely no shame in that.
[00:08:01] But if you were to know how much you took on or you have right now, We can do the work with how to move into the next level. So really having a look at your finances, getting in there, but the avoidance part of that, and what I see is closing the doors for the finances and hoping for the best. So if that's one of the things that you do right now, I want you to just have a moment and go, okay, it's okay.
[00:08:26] That's what I've done in the past, but now I'm a different person. Set yourself a money date. Get yourself the accountant. Start working out how much percentage you need to be taken out of everything you earn for tax. Start to get savvy with it. Start to learn it. A lot of us are not taught these things and that doesn't make you.
[00:08:45] That doesn't make it mean anything about you. It means that you just go and learn the way that you learn marketing, the way that you learn how to create a product, the way that you learn how to coach, you went and learn those things, and finance is a massive part of [00:09:00] business because if your business is not making money, you are not growing.
[00:09:03] So actually really getting into the nooks and crannies of. The second thing that I see people do when you go into business growth avoidance is letting go of the mindset practices, you know, help the most. And a lot of the time I see this with people because they know the mindset practices are going to.
[00:09:30] And it's almost like this sick s sedated, if that's the word thing that we do as humans, where we know something is really gonna help us. So we don't fucking do it. We're like, ha ha, I know this is gonna make me feel so good, so I'm not gonna do it. Suckers. It happens all the time. Like, where are you doing that in your life right now?
[00:09:53] You know that the gym is gonna really help you if you went or you know that. Drinking more water is probably gonna really help your, your headaches. But low and behold, we don't do that. I'm actually gonna take a sip of water while we're here. So really having a look at skipping the mindset practices and that daily mindset work and whatever that looks like, you know, daily mindset work doesn't have to be freaking sitting down and journaling every day.
[00:10:21] It's definitely not what I do. Daily mindset work can literally be listening to the beliefs that are coming up, thanking them, acknowledging them, and changing them. It can look like listening to the hypnosis track. Get into the c e o hypnosis bundle. Right now, the new track, I have had a track. Just drop.
[00:10:40] Get yourself in. I'll, I'll link it in the bio. Things that actually you can attach to your day-to-day life. You know, they just, it doesn't have to look like this. Mindset practice every single day. I mean, it can if you wanted it to, but actually I find a lot of people who are in avoidance are like, well, no, the mindset work's gonna help me.
[00:11:03] And I actually like being an avoidance. I love feeling shit about my business. The old struggling coach, sorry, the old struggling business story, business coach story where I used to brick in love, struggling. I live for the struggle guys. And I had to recreate that for myself because struggling, yes, felt really safe and really comfortable because I'd done it for so long.
[00:11:29] But that's no longer my reality now. So if you are letting go of the mindset practices, if you don't even know where to start with the mindset practices, Come into the space of mine, get yourself on. On my Instagram. I share a lot of things in the stories. Listen to more of the podcast. I give so many tips from a mindset perspective, really having a look at how you can support yourself, because like I say, in every single episode, your subconscious runs 95% of the show.[00:12:00]
[00:12:00] If you're not looking after your mindset, if you're not nurturing your mindset, if you're not nurturing the subconscious to support the growth that you want and have the foundational beliefs into the growth that you want, 95% of the show's running it, so you're not gonna be taking the action. The third thing I see when it comes to avoidance in your business is not creating a space to ask for help.
[00:12:23] This was a pattern that I went through and still fall back into every now and again when I'm going through a really tough time, whether it's in life, in the business, with my health, whatever that looks like, I retract. I retract. I stop asking for help. I stop messaging, whether it's my friends, my coaches, I just stop it and it was a pattern that I really had to get out of because in that moment it's where you need to really lean on the people around you, and that's why I freaking love Voxer so much because I get my clients to really lean into Voxer at those times because.
[00:13:04] Asking for help. It can be challenging, it can be, but it really is essential for your personal and for your business growth. Like I said, you need someone to be able to see and to be disassociated from your life and see that bird's eye view of what's going on and asking for help is going to help you sort out what's going on inside.
[00:13:27] So if you are in a space where you think you probably should get help, Whatever that looks like. It might not even be invested. It might be turning on the podcast or reading the book or you know, like whatever help looks like for you. Literally just talking it out. Sometimes my clients will literally just vox a voice, note me, and then at the end of the voice note they're like, cool.
[00:13:49] Don't bother answering this. I've sorted it out myself just by saying it out loud. It's helped them. To have someone to support and guide you really can be a game changer in that next level of your business. The fourth thing I see, I hope you are making notes. The fourth thing I see when it comes to business avoidance for growth is slipping back into the victim mode and wanting someone to do it for.
[00:14:19] Blaming the external factors. Blaming the weather, blaming your next door neighbor. Blaming everyone. Blaming your coach, blaming everyone but you and slipping into that victim because that's an easy way to go. Well, that's why it's not working. It's because of them. That's why it's not working. It's because she hasn't supported me enough.
[00:14:42] It's, that's why it's not working. It's cuz she didn't reply to my boxer straight away. That's why it's not working. And I see this happening because it's so difficult for us to go, you know what, it's not happening because, Of myself. You know, that is a hard pill to swallow when you are in that space, when you are in avoidance.
[00:14:59] Like I [00:15:00] said, no shame there. It's just that's what we do. You know, it's, it's easy for us to slip back into that because that's what we've known, especially for me. I did it so often. You know how often I speak about my victim mindset. So really having a look at, okay, where can I take, not the blame, like where can I take on that?
[00:15:21] It's my responsibility that things need to shift. Where can I take on that? It's my responsibility that I need to be pushing myself or I need to be doing this thing, or I need to be working on my mindset because blaming someone else. Or blaming the externals is not gonna fix your problems, and it's not productive for you either.
[00:15:43] And it's important to take responsibilities for your actions. It's important to take responsibilities for your stories, for not your Instagram stories, your subconscious stories. Um, For your beliefs, for your behaviors, for, for your feelings. Like that's all coming from you. And that's why I love working with the clients that I do, is because they are solution based problem seekers.
[00:16:07] And when they come to me, yes, they might have like, you know, the, the victim wound in and that's when we unwind it and get rid of the victim mentality. And then they start to come with me and be like, right Beck, this is happening. This is what I believe to be true. This is what I think I can see. What do you think?
[00:16:23] Every single one of my clients do that? Because that's what you have to step into to build this incredible business that you want to build. And the last one, fifth one that I see, we'll go through all of them to, to recap, is scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Yes. Social media can be a massively powerful tool for your business growth, for your networking, for getting in front of new eyes, for creating new opportunities.
[00:16:51] But excessive scrolling can be a form of avoidance because it's easy. Because it's safe because. You have that hit of dopamine re very low hit of dopamine, but you have that hit of dopamine. You know that you can scroll through, you know, you can actively seek out the people who make you feel shit about yourself.
[00:17:09] You know, all of those things. And actually when you're in in avoidance, it's just easier to go and do that cause it's a very easy thing that you can do in your business. So when I work with my clients, we make sure we set boundaries, we allocate time for social media. We set up the apps, like I talked about on the podcast a while back, we set intentions where it's like, okay, what am I going on social media for?
[00:17:33] What am I going on Instagram for right now? Really having a look at that so you know that you don't fall back into the avoidance. So let me recap the five signs that you are in. Business growth avoidance right now. Number. Closing the door to your finances and hoping for the best. Number two, letting go of the mindset practices that you know help the most.
[00:17:55] Number three, not creating a space to ask for help. [00:18:00] Number four, slipping back into victim mode and wanting someone to do it for you. And number five, scrolling. Scrolling, and more. Scroll in for 48 hours of the day. It's really important that this podcast has brought in. Just an acknowledgement you, it might have opened your eyes up and like I said, no shame needs to be from this podcast.
[00:18:24] It needs to be like, okay, I'm doing a couple of those, or I do a couple of those every now and again. What makes me do them? What am I avoiding? What feels scary right now? And moving through it? Because this needs to be the place where you go, okay, it's mine to move through this. I get to have the responsibility to move through this.
[00:18:46] And take it as a lesson and don't take it as shame. Don't take it as I'm calling you out slash I did say that at the start of the podcast. You've got this, you know what you should be doing, and if you are slipping into these, or one of these five signs or all of these five signs, probably time to work on your subconscious mind and you know where to go for that.
[00:19:06] Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, right? I hope this podcast has served you well. Like I said, go sit down, have a little think through what's happening around those five avoidance signs and go, okay, how can I start changing? How can I start shifting? Start small, and you will really see the difference. Right? I'll see you on the next podcast and I love you a lot.
[00:19:26] Bye bye.
More about Higher Self & I:
Higher Self & I is the podcast for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve and sustain mind-blowing results in their biz. It’s a show that will release you of your victim mindset and give you complete freedom and energy to jump into the self you always knew you could be. Each week, Rebecca Haydon will help you lock your mindset into gear and empower you to step into the person you always knew you were meant to be – a bad-ass CEO who is here to claim her freaking millionaire life!