How Am I Showing Up for Myself and My Business When the Sales Aren’t Coming In? [ep. #111]
Hello lovely lady and welcome to Higher Self & I!
Do you know that moment when you are on a roll and everything is going your way? You know, when you are signing up clients left, right, center, your ideal clients are engaging with your content, inquiring about your offers, and then….*crickets*. No clients are coming in, no revenue is being made, no sign ups, just dead silence. So you go inside of yourself, start feeling anxious, panic creeps in and you get out of control. “Oh my God, why is no one signing up? Should I take another course? What am I doing wrong?!”
Yep. I used to do the SAME thing. When the sales weren’t coming in, I would freak out and try to distract myself. I went shopping, cleaned up the house, scrolled on social media, and made up stories in my head about how everyone is so successful and I am not.
Now I know that those moments of quiet are the most epic time to reflect. When the sales aren’t coming in, you have the time and space to look within yourself, get curious and ask yourself some very important questions. So that’s what we are going to do in today’s podcast episode!
Topics covered on When the Sales Aren’t Coming In:
What to do when the quiet period in your business comes.
A client's story that inspired me to record this episode.
What should you do when the sales aren’t coming in?
Questions you should ask yourself during the quiet moments in your business.
How did I sign new clients despite going through a huge change in my life?
Limiting beliefs that come out for me when I'm not signing up new clients.
Identifying your behavior pattern and negative thoughts.
How to shift quiet moments in your business into moments of growth?
How to do energy check-ins during quiet periods?
Connect with Bec:
Related episodes you may enjoy:
“Moments of quiet is a time to receive, trust and stand in my personal power.” - Rebecca Haydon
Transcription: Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!
[00:00:00] Welcome to The Higher Self & I your go-to podcast that will release you of your victim mindset and become your one-way ticket towards the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and your business. I'm your host, Rebecca Haydon, mindset and Business Mentor. Ready. You unlock your mindset into gear and empower you to step into the person you always knew you were meant to be.
[00:00:37] A badass, c e o, who is here to claim her freaking millionaire life. Ready to find out what life could be like if you just did the thing. Let's go baby. Hello, gorgeous lady. Welcome back to Higher Self & I, I'm so glad you're here and I cannot wait for today's episode. We are looking at the story behind the quiet moments in business.
[00:01:01] And by God we've all been there, haven't we? Now, this actually. Came from the back of one of my one-to-one clients, one of my six month one-to-one clients, and we almost really looked into this and looked into how it was affecting her when those quiet moments were coming up in her business. So much so that I actually put a little poll on my stories.
[00:01:24] I spoke about it. It was a very heavy client day that I spoke about it on my story, so I didn't get to elaborate. So I thought, what a better way to elaborate than the podcast, because that's what it's here. Don't you love a bit of long form, um, content. So I wanted to elaborate on here, because there were so many people that were resonating with it and the, the reason why you were resonating with it, and I'm sure a lot of you who are listening to me right now will resonate too, is because it happens.
[00:01:54] It happens in business, right? We have those quiet moments. We have those moments where maybe you've had or been on this trajectory, maybe you've signed quite a few clients, and then you have that moment of quiet and in that moment of quiet. And what I mean by quiet is, you know, there's maybe no clients coming in, or no revenue being made or no unsigned up for a while, whatever that, whatever quiet means to you.
[00:02:21] We really need to go introspective because a lot of the time we start making stories up as to why it is quiet and this is what was happening with my clients. So she had a bit of a freak out. Um, Very, very early on in January. She's had an amazing end of 2022 and she actually took some time away from the business, not crazily, time away from the business, um, kind of over November, December.
[00:02:45] So coming back in January was a little bit quieter than she had been used to. And actually what it was doing for her, it was just bringing up a lot of, um, stories and a lot of beliefs. And one of the things that she was really. Feeling is in that moment of quiet, she feels very powerless. She feels very out of control.
[00:03:07] She feels like there's no growth or movement, which is, you know, one of her. One of her main, um, drivers is, is to feel that growth and to feel that movement. And when she's in that story of choir of like, oh my God, no one's signing up. Oh my God, no one's coming in. The panic, the distress, that feeling of, of stagnation.
[00:03:26] And she got herself, I say she got herself, her ego got her into this little. And it was very, very funny because she'd messaged me on Voxer having a little like, what the fuck's going on? Like this hasn't happened for a while. Like it just feels very quiet. I haven't signed anyone since November, and we had a conversation.
[00:03:48] within , within literally five hours, she'd mis messaged me saying that someone had signed up to her a one-to-one package. Now I know sometimes it doesn't work that way, but it was just really beautiful for her to see actually. We don't need to keep going into that stress and that panic. We don't need to keep going into that old story.
[00:04:09] We don't need to go keep going into the, the powerless, the out of control, the scarcity. It's actually what we do with the quiet that really freaking counts. And that's what I wanted to talk about today because we did a big shift for her in session. She'd already kind of come out of it by the time we got in session, but I really wanted to have a look at how she was.
[00:04:31] Going to sit in the moments of quiet moving forwards, because inevitably it might happen again, it might not. She might sign a client's left, right and center going forwards, but there's always gonna be that space because we have the ebbs and flows in business. You know it's going to happen. There's going to be months where maybe you have to pull back or maybe you shoot forwards or maybe.
[00:04:54] the work that you've been doing on the consistency is just taking a little time to stack up and to become that consistent, um, presence online. And, and actually what you really need to look at is how you're showing up for yourself and your business when the sales aren't coming in. When people aren't buying, because a lot of the time when the sales are coming in and when people are buying, we are getting this little dopamine hit.
[00:05:22] We're getting this little, um, external ting, ting ting every time, which means that we're actually never going internal to create the feelings that we want. And this is where this was coming. So we really looked at that moment of quiet, and actually what I want you to do is I want you to go back to the last time that you had maybe a moment of quiet in your business.
[00:05:45] Maybe it was a week, maybe it was two months, maybe it was a year. Whatever that looks like for you. I just want you to go back to that moment of quiet, and I want you to see what sort of thoughts were coming up. What was the moment of quiet making you believe about yourself? What was the moment of quiet?
[00:06:03] Giving you a story? You know? Was it the fact that you weren't good enough? Was it the fact that you weren't. well enough comes up so often when I speak to clients about this, but really looking at what sort of thoughts were coming up around that moment of quiet, because actually those moments of quiet is the time where we can really actually sit back and receive.
[00:06:29] And this is where I got to with my client on the session. So we had a look at actually where the moment of quiet was sitting with her in that almost negative connotation, and it was. Anxious feeling in her chest, you know, really. Um, Really kind of sharp and horrible thoughts around it. And we did some work.
[00:06:51] We did some NLP work in being able to actually move where we wanted that moment of quiet to be. We wanted it to be in the trusting we wanted it to be in the calm. We wanted to be in the growth because actually when we have those moments of quiet, what that means is that we are just quiet with ourselves.
[00:07:10] Which I know scares a lot of people and by God it scares me too, . So really getting used to those moments of quiet where we can actually go introspective, we can go inside and we can really start to build the trust, build the trust within you. Now, I know obviously there's going to be moments. of quiet, where if they are a time where you really want to have a look at your business or you have.
[00:07:40] Plethora amounts of moments of quiet. Maybe there is some strategy or maybe there is some structure, or maybe it's in the messaging that needs to change. So I just want to kind of preface that, that sometimes these moments of quiet means we have to go in and go, right, okay, something is obviously not working right now.
[00:07:58] Is it me? Is it my mindset? Is it my beliefs? Is it me that's holding me back? Have I spoke about my offer? Have I been selling? Have I been talking about it constantly day after. and if the, if all of those answers are a yes, then it's like, okay, that's fine. We can go back and have a look. But if you are doing those things, if you are showing up for yourself, if you are doing that foundational work, which my client has been doing, she sells daily, she does the work, she is like star student.
[00:08:27] When it comes to doing the mindset work outside of, outside of our sessions, we actually then could really look at that moment of quiet and go, you know what? We need to go inside. And actually what we found is that the, the moment of choir was challenging for her because it meant that she had to be more in that feminine energy, more in the energy of receiving more in the energy of trusting, of the calm, of growth, of power, of just sitting back.
[00:09:00] She'd put the work. So just being able to sit back and go, okay. Alright. I can receive, and actually this happened very nicely to me in August. So if you have listened to episode a hundred, I know it comes up in most podcasts that I do, but in, um, I, I talk about how I moved back from Australia. It was a very big, heavy month.
[00:09:24] For me in, in August, because I was navigating a relationship breakup, I was navigating a location move. I was navigating, moving back to my mom and dad's. I was navigating, um, not having the lifestyle that I had in Australia and having to come back to the uk I was navigating hav, having really none of my, um,
[00:09:43] None of my clothes, none of my things. I was navigating, saying goodbye to my dog. There was a lot of things that I was navigating, and actually in August, I did have to have those moments of quiet because I physically couldn't show up for social media. Like I just, it was. Really went down to the bottom of my list.
[00:10:01] And for those who have been on the journey with me of this business, you know, social media, it goes clients social media. So it's usually up there. And I really had to take that step back. But I remember having that really beautiful time to reflect and go, you know what past Becky past me has done all this fucking work for me right now.
[00:10:22] And that meant that I could still. You know, open and receive and the clients were still coming in and you know, things were still happening in the business without me having to be on all the time. And that was a real big lesson for me. It was a real big, a real big knowing. A real big release of control.
[00:10:40] A release of control, and really sitting in that feminine. So a couple of things that you can do to really get clear on those moments of quiet is, like I said, to the first thing, really understand. What's making you freak out in those moments of quiet? What beliefs and what stories are coming up when you have those moments of quiet?
[00:11:07] and I want you to almost have a look at a domino effect in your life. Is there other places in your life where you have those moments of quiet? Maybe it's when you haven't got anything scheduled for that evening, or you've got a completely free weekend, or, um, whatever that is for a moment of quiet. What happens?
[00:11:27] What starts to happen now? Is it the belief? Of you not being good enough. Is it the belief of you not being enough? Is it the belief of nothing's working? And really get, get to know those moments of quiet and it's gonna feel uncomfortable. Look, honestly, , I've been there. It's gonna feel uncomfortable.
[00:11:45] However, when we start to understand and we actually start to stop rather than distracting ourself, My biggest distraction was scrolling on social media. I've spoke about this so many times. You know, I would have the habit of scrolling and making myself feel worse in the moments of quiet. And let's look at everyone else being so successful and make big stories up about how I'm not, you know, I, I know I've been there and actually, In those moments of quiet, I would freak out and I would go and distract myself.
[00:12:13] Whether that be shopping, whether that be scrolling, whether that be doing everything. Cleaning cleaner was always up there. You know, I just never gave myself that space and that time to actually go inside. Because in those moments of quiet, if we do go inside and go, okay, wow, this feels really, really uncomfortable right now.
[00:12:32] This feels really. Icky in my body. However, I know that this is the most epic time for me to reflect. I know this is most epic time for me to get curious. I know this is the most epic time for me to ask some very important questions because if we constantly keep distracting ourself, if we constantly keep pushing it to the external, if we constantly keep looking to other people for validation, we actually never go within.
[00:13:00] and it's really, really important within your business to to know those thoughts, to know those feelings, to have that foundational belief work. So you can start, well, you can stop looking outside and you can start feeling from within. So within those moments of quiet, if you do have one, if you're in one right now, take some time today.
[00:13:21] Have a little look of where you are distracting yourself, where you are, you know, going on social. Scrolling for four hours because you think it's gonna find the answer. The answers are not on there. The answers are on with are on within, are within, and it only takes you having that space and that moment to go, okay, this is where we're at, this is what it is.
[00:13:44] Let's get curious. and get curious with the, whether it's the thoughts, get curious with, okay, are things feeling out of alignment for me? Get curious with, maybe there is some help I need. Maybe there is a coach that I need to work with. Maybe there is some learning that I want to do. Maybe you, there is, um, something I want to watch or something I want to.
[00:14:08] learn. However, let that decision come from the moment of quiet. Don't just jump into the next bloody course. You know, don't give yourself the shiny object syndrome where those things aren't working in the moment of quiet, and you're like, right. That's it. I've got to. That's a, I'm off. I'm off to do another course and off you go.
[00:14:29] Without having that space and time to actually check in, because when we did check in with my client, we actually found and her new belief moving forwards after we'd done a bit of subconscious reprogramming was Moments of quiet is a time to receive trust and stand in my personal. . That's what we shifted the belief to.
[00:14:52] How powerful is that? How different is that to come from that belief in those moments of quiet in your business, those moments of quiet in your life rather than. Nothing's working. I'm stagnating. The business isn't moving forwards. You know, that's a very, very different story in a very different way of showing up than things are going.
[00:15:13] Things are working out how they're meant to. I can sit back and put the work in. I need to trust it. The, the quiet can be times of rest. I am still in control. All of these things she was saying to me as we were doing the exercise, and it really, really was powerful because you are exactly where you need to be.
[00:15:32] Right now you are exactly where you need to be right now. And actually in those moments of choir, if we can just go within and just give yourself a little bit of time, even if it's two minutes, even if you stop for two minutes and go, right, I'm gonna take an energy check in. Something's feeling off. The ego is too loud, right?
[00:15:55] I am sabotaging myself left, right, and center. I'm not doing the things that I said that I'm going to do. You know, if you're having those feelings, just stop checking with your body. Where is my energy right now? Where is that vibration right now? How is that feeling for me? What stories am I making up around what's going on in my business right now?
[00:16:15] really go within and find that for me, because the moments of quiet, like I've said the whole podcast, the moments of quiet can actually be the most powerful, powerful moments like insanely powerful because it allows you to really get to know you. And when we get to know ourselves, we grow. Have a little think today.
[00:16:40] Go back. Go back to when those moments of quiet have happened in your business. Have a little rummage round . You know, see what sort of thoughts and what stories were coming up around the quiet, and then have a time to reflect. And if you are in a moment of quiet right now, I want you to respect yourself today, and I want you to go and have some.
[00:17:00] put some candles on, put some nice music on, and just do, whether it's journaling, whether you sit with your thoughts, just sit with the quietness. Maybe not music, , but music gives me the feel. So I always have music. Um, but just sit with the, sit with the feelings. Sit with the, knowing that it's okay, you know.
[00:17:21] It's coming. It's okay. It's coming and, and it's safe. It is safe to sit in the quiet. So let me know how you go. I would love to hear, hear this, you know, your aha moments or your thoughts on the dms. Drop in and tell me that you've been listening. Um, and yeah, I'll see you on the next episode. Happy, um, moments of quiet this week.
[00:17:42] Your love and support means the absolute world to me with this podcast. So if you have enjoyed the episode, Please make sure that you are sharing or reviewing or even rating the podcast because it allows me to get into more ear rolls. Now, if we are not connected on Instagram, head over and add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore.
[00:18:06] Come and say hello. I'd love to see you there and I will see you on the next episode!
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Higher Self & I is the podcast for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve and sustain mind-blowing results in their biz. It’s a show that will release you of your victim mindset and give you complete freedom and energy to jump into the self you always knew you could be. Each week, Rebecca Haydon will help you lock your mindset into gear and empower you to step into the person you always knew you were meant to be – a bad-ass CEO who is here to claim her freaking millionaire life!