Don’t Feel the Security That You Want Your Business to Bring You? Listen Up! [ep. #108]
Hello lovely lady and welcome to Higher Self & I!
When I first started working with my ideal clients, many of them shared with me that they didn’t feel secure in their business, and that is something we need to work on. Because if you don’t feel secure in your business, you start sending out almost desperate energy to the world. I know you are probably thinking: “Bec, that's easy for you to say! You make multi six figures.” Yes, I do NOW. But in 2019, I was holding tight on every lead, every client, every dollar.
I believed that if I just made X [insert your desired amount of money] I would feel secure. I would be happy. All my problems would be solved. I’m telling you from my personal experience, it’s not true.
Yes, money make some things easier. But you can always tap into the feeling of security at any point of any time of day and I teach you how to do it in today's podcast episode!
Topics covered on Lack of Security in Your Business:
What do a lot of my clients struggle with?
Misconception about where the security in your business comes from.
What to do when you start feeling the lack of security in your business?
Security is not always influenced by external factors.
Quick exercise for creating security in your business.
How can you tap into any feelings at any point of any time of the day?
A little practice I want you to start doing every morning.
Connect with Bec:
Transcription: Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Higher Self & I your go-to podcast that will release you of your victim mindset and become your one-way ticket towards the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and your business. I'm your host, Rebecca Haydon. Mindset and business mentor ready to help you unlock your mindset into gear and empower you to step into the person you always knew you were meant to be.
[00:00:37] A badass, c e o, who is here to claim her freaking millionaire life. Ready to find out what life could be like if you just did the. Let's go baby. Hello, gorgeous lady. Welcome back to Higher Self & I a very, very happy New Year and welcome to 2023. Oh, can you feel it? I certainly can. I hope you've had a lovely, lovely break.
[00:01:05] I hope you've had some nice restful time with friends, family, whatever you did over the Christmas break and ready to. 2023 by storm. I definitely had the most beautiful Christmas. It was my first Christmas in the uk, um, since 2018. So it was very, a very different Christmas for me, which was so beautiful and just amazing to be around friends and family, and I will never take it for granted again.
[00:01:33] Um, I just loved every minute of it, and it is a time to get back into the swing of things. There is so many exciting things going on at the moment. Um, If we are not friends on Instagram, please come and follow me. Um, my Instagram's in the show notes. Come over, say hello. Told me that. Tell me that you've found the podcast.
[00:01:55] I love hearing where you found me, where you're listening and there's quite a lot of people who have. Found me through Audible and other random places, which is just so wonderful to hear. So yes. Welcome, welcome, welcome. So let's dive into today's podcast. Today, I actually wanted to have a look at the security.
[00:02:18] the security in your business. Because I have a lot of ideal clients. I have a lot of clients when they first start with me, say, look, Beck, like I don't feel the security that I want my business to bring me. and that lack of security is almost creating that desperation or, or creating that really holding tight onto that energy, that desperate energy that I know I talk a lot about.
[00:02:49] That I was in a lot in, in 20 19, 20 20. And it, and it almost, um, brings you to look at the external rather than the internal, because I know a lot of the time we believe our security is going to come from the amount of money that we make, which. Granted, money allows us to do different things and it allows us different experiences, et cetera, et cetera, but actually the security that you feel in your business is going to come from within.
[00:03:20] So that's basically the podcast. Thank you ever so much. Goodbye. Now, , let's dive in because I really want you to start feeling secure in your business, feeling secure in yourself, because that truly is where, where we get that security from if we're continuously looking. Outside of ourselves. If we're looking for the money to give us that feeling that we want, we're constantly hanging onto an external validation that may or may not ever give it us.
[00:03:50] So I want it to come from within. So when you feel that lack of security in your business, I just want you to start to get a little bit curious as to why get curious as where as to where it's coming from and what that lack of security. Like and feels like to you? Is it the fact that you believe that you don't have the right strategy in pre, in place, and that's what makes you feel that lack of security?
[00:04:21] Is it that you have big, bold dreams and. That requires more money coming into the business. So the lack of security, is the money coming in? Is it the fact that there is no money coming in right now and you are kind of holding on and, and grasping onto the security that you think the money is going to give you?
[00:04:41] I want you to just get really curious as to where that's coming from. What is triggering it, what is bringing in that lack of security in, because like I. , we can feel secure from within, which in turn allows the Raz, the reticular activated system, which I talk a lot about. Maybe, maybe I should do a podcast episode on that one too.
[00:05:01] But really allows us to, to build the belief behind the scenes, to build the belief within, which then allows us to feel security and actually, Whether it's new opportunities or open your eyes to something that's probably been staring you in the face, whatever that is, we can start to really build that from within.
[00:05:22] So when it comes to that security, when it comes to feeling secure, how secure do you feel within yourself? That is where I want us to start today. How secure do you feel within. Because a lot of the time that lack of security, we, we kind of try and get from the money or the client saying yes or you know, all of the external.
[00:05:51] But actually how secure do you feel within yourself? Now this can look a lot like the self-trust work that I do with my clients. Um, I did trust the masterclass back in November. If you can still, um, Jump on and receive the, the replay if you wanna jump into that. If it's a self-trust, um, formula that you're looking for, maybe it's that self-belief or that feeling of security from within.
[00:06:16] What does that look like and feel like? So we're gonna do a quick exercise if you are available to do one. If you can't close your eyes right now, that's absolutely fine. Um, but if you can. I just want you to close your eyes and even if you can't carry on listening, because you'll still be able to do it w with whatever you are doing, um, at the moment.
[00:06:35] And to be honest, if you're walking or in the shower or driving, you are in that alpha brainwave state, which we actually can tap into the subconscious a little bit more anyway, so you're good. You're going good. Whatever you're doing. So I want you to close your eyes if you can, and I want you to go back to a time that you felt really, really.
[00:06:58] Now, this doesn't have to be with money. This could be that you were hugging a family member and you felt so secure in their arms. You were, you felt that that security, that bubble around you was just amazing. Maybe it was seeing that money in your bank account, whatever that is for you. I want you to go back to that time where you felt so secure.
[00:07:22] Within yourself really deeply secure within yourself. Have a little reach around, have a little look. If you can't find anything, that's okay. We're gonna still go through the process, so you'll be able to feel that safety that, and feel that security. Anyway. So grab that time and I want you to go back in and I want you to almost imagine that it's you looking at you almost like you're watching a movie.
[00:07:48] So you are looking at yourself like you're watching a movie of yourself, and I want you to see how she or he is standing right now when they're in that security, when they're in that place of security, how are they standing or sitting? , what does their, how are they holding their head? What do their shoulders look like?
[00:08:11] Being in that pure, pure security, Just have a look. Have a look at the colors and the textures and the shapes and the noise. Turn on all those senses for me. What can you taste? What can you see? What can you feel, what can you hear when you are in that secure space? And now what I want you to do is I want you to zoom yourself into your body as if you were there right now.
[00:08:36] So as it, it was you in your own body right now, and I want you to feel the feelings of being totally complet. Utterly secure right now, and I want you to start to see where that feels in your body. , where is that security coming from? Is it lying in your chest? Is it in your arms? Is it in your forehead, your eyes, your legs, your ankles?
[00:09:02] Wherever that is, really start to become aware of that security and where that security is coming from for me, really Turn it up. Turn it up. Turn it up. Get really used to feeling that feeling of feeling. . Now, if you were to take that security and you were to have a look at what shape that is in your body, maybe it's a square or a diamond or a rectangle or uh, a blob, whatever that looks like for you, just get really, really aware of what shape it is.
[00:09:35] I want you to get really aware of what color it is, and I want you to get really aware of what texture that security is. Because we are gonna have this security switch on that you can tap into at any point of any day. Now, for the past two or three minutes of this podcast, you have been feeling the feelings of being secure.
[00:10:00] Now, if you couldn't find a time that you could go back to, you still probably have tapped into that feeling of being secure, whether you felt it or not before you, you can turn that on, right? We have the control, we have the awareness. We get to decide what we do with our feelings at any point of any time of the day.
[00:10:18] So what I want you to do is really turn that up, turn that up, turn that up. Really feel the feelings, really get used to knowing. Security sits exactly in your body, and whenever you are ready, you can open your eyes, come back into the room, or you can just carry on listening to me if you didn't close your eyes anyway.
[00:10:35] Now, what I always say to my clients, and this is something that I do with my clients in my one-to-one sessions a lot, is that we get to tap into any emotion. Any feeling we can actually tap into that with or without the external. So if you are sitting here right now and listening to this podcast, thinking and believing that the only way that you can feel secure, Is to make X amount of money.
[00:11:04] We have just bullshitted that out of the water. We have just thrown that belief away because you sat here and you felt the security in your body with or without the money in your bank. And this is what happens when we keep hanging onto the external because you don't allow yourself to feel the feelings in the here and now.
[00:11:28] Now you can do this with any feeling. This could be with happiness, with joy, with excitement, with success, whatever feeling that is for you. It doesn't have to be security, but I know. You know, a lot of my ideal clients want to feel that security in their business, and this is how we can start to really bring that into our awareness.
[00:11:48] Just like I said, with the reticular activated system, if we can start vibrating at the energy of that security, we start to bring more things in because we're already there. We're not waiting. For the external to deliver that to us. So really start to see how you can tap into that security every single day.
[00:12:09] You've got that picture there. Now. You know the feeling, you know the shape, you know the texture, you know the color, you know everything about that security. Now, the more times you tap into it, the stronger it will. neurons that fire together, wire together. So the more we can build and build and build on those neural pathways, the stronger that that they get.
[00:12:30] The brain lends best from repetition. I say it again and again and again, ironically , but the more you can tap into that picture, the better. So what I actually want you to do moving forward, especially as we're going into the new year now, and I want you to feel secure in your business because. Business and entrepreneurship can feel scary and you know, we're, we are here on our lonesome, doing it for the doing it for ourselves.
[00:12:57] It can have that lack of security. But if we can bring that in as a feeling that you feel every day, we can really start to give ourself a chance to actually open our palms and step into the people that we want to. Into. So every morning that you wake up, let's do a little practice. For the next week, I want you to sit on the edge of your bed, feel your feet on the floor, and ask yourself.
[00:13:23] How am I gonna tap into this security today? So whether that's you, just as soon as you wake up, you close your eyes, go back into that picture that we just painted with that security. Really feel that security, really feel that safety. Maybe have a mantra or an affirmation around this, like, it's safe for me to feel secure.
[00:13:45] It is safe for me to feel secure within my business. and really start to grow that security neural pathway because like I said, yes, obviously if you are in a position where the money is not being able to afford your life, et cetera, and I have a lot of conversations with my clients with this, you know, we've, we've gone through the process of if it being okay to have, whether it's a going back part-time or doing bits and bobs of other jobs on the side, if it's going to.
[00:14:16] Feel more secure with your money. I completely understand that, but this is gonna come from within as well. So really tapping into that security, really knowing that. Your business is not going to bring that for you. You are going to bring that for your business. So I want you to try that out today. I really want you to tap into that, see that how that feels, see where it takes you, and then just try and open your eyes a little bit to having a little test, having a little play, having a little fun with the universe or the vibration or whatever you.
[00:14:53] You know, resonate with as to how you can feel and tap into that security. And every time that you do and every time you feel that security in your body move forward as that person. I am the insert your name, who feels secure in her business. This is my new identity. This is who. I am, this is how I show up for myself.
[00:15:17] Maybe keep a security log, you know, what sort of things have I done within my life, or what have I done today, or how have I felt today that's made me feel secure, and how can I tap into that daily as well? So, Stop waiting for the external because nine times out of 10 it will never give it you. And I know I say this pretty much every single podcast, but the security comes from within.
[00:15:42] It's about working on you, working on your feelings, because your thoughts and feelings create your actions and results. And I want you to have that security and feel that security in your business this year. So if you've enjoyed today's episode, please make sure. Are sharing it and rating and review. It really, really helps the podcast and just DM me, let me, let me know.
[00:16:06] what came up for your security picture, and let me know what happens from just tapping into that. The brain learns best from repetition, baby. So go forth. Feel secure. You've got this. Your love and support means the absolute world to me with this podcast. So if you have enjoyed the episode today, please make sure that you are sharing.
[00:16:29] Or reviewing or even rating the podcast because it allows me to get into more ear rolls. Now, if we are not connected on Instagram, head over and add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore. Come and say hello. I'd love to see you there and I will see you on the next episode.
More about Higher Self & I:
Higher Self & I is the podcast for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve and sustain mind-blowing results in their biz. It’s a show that will release you of your victim mindset and give you complete freedom and energy to jump into the self you always knew you could be. Each week, Rebecca Haydon will help you lock your mindset into gear and empower you to step into the person you always knew you were meant to be – a bad-ass CEO who is here to claim her freaking millionaire life!