Is It Your Strategy or Mindset That Needs Work? Align Your Subconscious Mind With Your Strategy [ep. #200]

Is It Your Strategy or Mindset That Needs Work? Align Your Subconscious Mind With Your Strategy

Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!

Are you following your strategy to the absolute T but still not seeing results? You are in the right place hun! Let's talk about how you can align your subconscious mind with your strategy so you can finally hit those big juicy goals.

Today we're going to dive into what's really happening beneath the surface of your efforts. Because it's not just about the actions you take, it's about the subconscious currents that can either sweep you towards success or pull you under. I'm going to share how you can identify if it's the strategy or your subconscious mind that needs work, and some practical steps that will help you realign your inner world with the outer work you're putting in.

So if you're ready to stop spinning and start seeing the results you know you deserve, tune in and let's get your subconscious on board with your success – because when your subconscious beliefs match your daily efforts, that's when things start to shift!


Topics covered on Align Your Subconscious Mind With Your Strategy:

  1. Why taking action in your business isn't enough and how your beliefs behind your actions influence your results.

  2. How do you know that your subconscious beliefs are derailing your business strategy?

  3. What is brain neuroplasticity and how can you use it to align your subconscious mind with your strategy?

  4. The importance of visualisation in reprogramming your subconscious mind for success/to align with your business strategy.

  5. Journal prompts that will guide you to identify and shift your limiting beliefs.

  6. What's the one small step you can take today to align your subconscious mind with your strategy?


Journal Prompts:

  1. What is my current belief about the strategy I'm using? Are there any parts of me that feel like it won't work? And if so, how come?

  2. How can I anchor into the possibility that my strategy is working, even if my external results haven't shown up yet?

  3. What is one small aligned action that I can take today that would reinforce my belief in this strategy?


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"If your subconscious beliefs are in conflict with what you are currently trying to achieve, then you are going to feel stuck." - Rebecca Haydon



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[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before and I will say it a hundred times again. Your business cannot outgrow your mindset. And if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious. So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve.

[00:00:31] Hello, beautiful lady, and welcome back to the Subconscious Expert. Oh my gosh, am I excited to get into today's episode. And the reason why is because this is coming up So much, especially with the work that I'm doing with my clients inside the subconscious membership. And this is the impact on your strategy that sometimes your subconscious is playing a role with.

[00:01:01] Now, I have quite a few incredible women, who have reached out to me in the DMs who said, Beck, look, I am taking the mother fricking action. I am posting, I am selling, I am outreaching, whatever that looks like for them. They believe that they are taking action on the strategy. And I know that Often we fall into two camps.

[00:01:29] We either have camp number one, where you take no action at all, procrastination, hide yourself in a box and hope for the best in avoidance. Or camp number two, where you believe that you are showing up for your strategy, that you are doing the things, but there's still no correlation to the results that you want.

[00:01:50] So you feel that you're showing up, you know that you're working hard. You know that you are putting content out there, you're sending emails, and you are still not yielding the results that you desire. Now, I want to preface this podcast episode that I am going to speak about the subconscious impact on the strategy.

[00:02:13] What I want to preface is this isn't me saying that some, that it's always due to your subconscious that your strategy isn't working. Sometimes I fully believe, and this is why I do a lot of aligned strategy work with my clients, that it is sometimes the strategy. However, the people who I attract A lot are the people who do have their strategy down pat.

[00:02:38] Um, and it's a very good strategy, but it's actually the subconscious that's impacting the strategy, working in the way that you want it to. So I just wanted to preface that before we get in here. Sometimes it can be the strategy. Sometimes we need to have a look at your content. Sometimes we need to have a look at your messaging.

[00:02:59] Sometimes we need to have a look at how you're selling, if you are even selling, and what that looks like and the launches, etc. But a lot of the time when people have that in place, which I know a lot of you do, um, A lot of the time it does come down to the subconscious impact on the strategy and that is truly what I want to speak about today.

[00:03:23] So in today's podcast, we are really diving into the relationship between the strategy and the subconscious. And really specifically, we're going to explore how your subconscious beliefs around success, around money, around worthiness might be creating resistance. Even when, even when you are taking quote unquote action in your business.

[00:03:54] Now, if you've ever felt exactly like I said, like you're doing the right things, that you're following the strategy to the absolute T, but the results just aren't there for you, this episode is going to be for you. Because we're going to be talking about and really exploring subconsciously What is really going on beneath the surface?

[00:04:16] When it feels like your strategy isn't working, and we're going to, I'm going to be sharing some practical steps, some journal prompts, some things that you can do that's going to realign your subconscious with the action that you're taking. So first of all, I wanted to actually have a look at understanding the conscious impact on your strategy.

[00:04:38] Now, The truth is, the truth is here that you can have the most well thought out strategy in the world. You really can. You can have invested 40, 000, 000 in the well, the most well thought out strategy in the world. But if your subconscious beliefs are in conflict with what you are currently trying to achieve, then you are going to feel stuck and there is no doubt about it.

[00:05:09] And here is why. Now, neuroscience teaches us, and I say this a lot of the time, that your actions are driven by your subconscious programming. So, even when you are taking visible Very visible, conscious action, and I get that all the time, like Bec, I'm taking the action, I'm showing up, I'm doing the do, I'm doing the thing, and whether that's showing up on social media, whether that's sending out your emails, whether that's launching your offers.

[00:05:40] If these actions are rooted in doubt, in fear, in limiting beliefs, The energy behind them isn't aligned with the results you are going to or trying to create. Now maybe along the line of your life you have been told, and this one comes up a lot in the membership, maybe in your life you have been told that success takes hard work and you subconsciously the strategy feels too easy that it's not going to be effective.

[00:06:21] So you, so you do the procrastination or you do the sabotage around it. Maybe you've internalized that the idea of big success isn't possible for people like you and therefore it shows in your actions. Now, these beliefs, As the subconscious often is, they're very, very, very sneaky. They're little sneaky beakies because they hold so much power.

[00:06:51] Because actually what's happening is they're operating under the radar. And they're very quietly, and this is why I love working one to ones with clients, because they are quietly influencing the inner self. Research that you bring to your strategy, and a lot of the time you can't physically see it yourself.

[00:07:11] That's why the Observer has to do it. E. g. myself as your coach, can see the energy that you're bringing towards that. And I know energy sometimes can feel like quite a fluffy, untangible thing to grasp onto, but I have seen it time and time again with clients. The energy that you bring to your strategy, the energy that you show up in, the energy that you sell from, and the beliefs that are behind that energy have So I'm going to talk to you today about how the subconscious mind influences the way you approach strategy in your business.

[00:07:51] Now if you're following a strategy that feels absolutely solid on paper, but it is not transitioning into results, there is often a misalignment internally at play. And it really does. Like you know start with your subconscious mind and just like I prefaced at the start of the podcast Sometimes you might not have a solid strategy Down on the piece of paper and that's okay And we can look at that but nine times out of ten the people that I work with do have that solid strategy strategy, but it's not turning into results.

[00:08:32] And there's often, like I said, that internal misalignment at play. And that's because 95 percent of our daily thoughts, our daily actions, our daily decisions are driven by the subconscious mind. And that is really responsible for everything that happens automatically. Everything that you do without conscious effort, like breathing.

[00:08:58] And you have been doing that this whole podcast. Subconsciously, until I've told you, and now you're thinking about it consciously, everything you do, 95 percent of those actions are coming from the subconscious mind. But it also governs so much deeper. And it goes into those ingrained patterns, like your beliefs around your success, like your beliefs around the money you want to make, like the beliefs around your worthiness, or whether you are good enough, or whether it's going to happen for you.

[00:09:30] It all stores. Your past experiences, emotional responses, and it plays a massive role in how you show up for your business. Now, when you actually implement a strategy, your conscious mind is engaged. Okay. It is engaged. Choosing what to post. Setting up the systems, making the plans, but your subconscious is always, always in the background.

[00:10:02] Now, if there is a conflict between your conscious actions and your subconscious beliefs, this is where things might feel a little bit off because maybe your strategy looks really good on the surface. In fact, your strategy make could look good on the surface. this is where things might feel a little bit off because maybe your strategy looks really good on the surface.

[00:10:20] In fact, your strategy make could look good on the surface. could make you very successful. But here's the thing. When your conscious actions and your subconscious beliefs have conflict with each other, that's where things will start to feel off because your subconscious is holding on to limiting beliefs that are misaligning the energy behind your actions.

[00:10:47] And this is really the crux of today's episode. Your subconscious is holding on to limiting beliefs that are misaligning the energy behind your actions. Your brain is wired to prioritise safety and to prioritise certainty, I say it time and time again. And if you've conditioned your subconscious belief, And you might not have known that you've done this, and that is okay, but if you've conditioned your subconscious to believe that success is difficult, that money requires hard work, that you're not worthy of that level of success that you're aiming for, that it's never going to happen for you, whatever those very, very ingrained beliefs are, that you don't deserve that kind of money, that you're not good enough, whatever it is, It will resist anything that challenges those beliefs.

[00:11:46] No matter how goddamn well your strategy is planned, your subconscious will block it because it perceives that your new level, that your next level of success isn't safe for you. And this might be why, your strategy is currently not giving you the results that you want. It could be, could be. And I want us to have a look.

[00:12:13] So let's have a look around the subconscious beliefs that what I call the invisible barrier to success, because I think, like I always say, a lot of people go straight to the strategy. That's the thing that's not working. It's my content that's not working. It's the way I'm selling that's not working. And sometimes it is, but when we don't have a look or pair that with the subconscious beliefs behind why it's not working as well, you will continue to invest in more and more and more and more strategy.

[00:12:41] And I. A lot of the time are people's um, last resort and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that, but I feel like more people are coming to me before they get to this place. But a lot of the time, a lot of people have invested a lot in strategy and they're still going around in the same Motherfucking circles and actually we need to have a look at the subconscious beliefs that are showing up behind the strategy that you are trying to implement.

[00:13:11] Now you might consciously want to grow your business to multi six, seven figures, five figures, four figures, whatever it is for you. But if you have a deeply ingrained belief, for example, that success means sacrifice or that, um, I'm not supposed to make that much money or this will never happen for me.

[00:13:36] Your subconscious is going to sabotage your actions. You might procrastinate around them. You might feel uncertain about decisions. You might start second guessing your strategy when it's immediately not working in this immediate second. You might continuously keep investing, hoping that this is going to be the one, because this is your brain trying to protect you from what it perceives as a threat.

[00:14:10] Now, whether that is the threat of failure, whether it's the threat of judgment, most of the time, whether it's the threat of success itself, all of that, your brain is trying to protect you from. And the brain operates in a feedback loop. And this is what I see happen so often in the entrepreneur space, this feedback loop.

[00:14:35] Because if your actions aren't producing results quick enough, your subconscious will default to its pre programmed beliefs. Let me say that again. If your actions aren't producing results quick enough, your subconscious will default to its pre programmed belief. Have you ever said, see, I told you so. I knew this wouldn't work.

[00:15:03] I'm not cut out for this. I've tried it this many times. I knew this would happen. I knew this wouldn't happen. And that thought loop will reinforce the same fucking patterns, the same limiting patterns, which then in turn, influences the energy behind your action and it influences your willingness to stick to your strategy.

[00:15:30] That's what I see again and again and again. I pretty much have had the same strategy I would say for the last three years. And it was my ability to believe and trust in that strategy that has allowed me to show up with consistency and momentum and get and grow and scale to where I am today. Too many people second guess themselves and constantly change their strategy, constantly change their niche, constantly.

[00:16:00] There's, there's so much change going on literally every three seconds in their business that they do not give themselves enough time. Or more importantly, their audience, enough fucking time to know what's going on. You're already on to the next strategy and your audience is like, wait, hang on, she was just doing this thing and now she's doing that thing.

[00:16:19] I can't keep up with her. You know, that consistency really is very, very important, both from your perspective, your subconscious perspective, and your audience perspective as well. Now, talking about consistency, I just wanted to actually spend a little bit of time Diving into the neuroscience of consistency and belief because this is where neuroscience gets a little bit even more fascinating.

[00:16:43] Yes, yes, yes. Do you, can you tell how much I freaking love talking about this? Now your brain is incredibly adaptable and it's a good job because it would put me out of a job if it wasn't. And basically what I do is I work with neuroplasticity. And that's what it's called. And that means that your brain can literally rewire itself based on new thoughts, new beliefs, new habits.

[00:17:16] And that is predominantly what I do in the business. Literally, will put me out of a job if neuroplasticity didn't work. Now, the thing is with neuroplasticity, and this is why everyone thinks I can wave a magic wand and, um, come to your rescue without you then having to do anything. No, no, no, not my type of client.

[00:17:39] Neuroplasticity takes repetition, And it takes consistency to grow new neural pathways. This was the predominance of why I set up the Subconscious Membership, because the subconscious work is not a one in, one out, a one time done, and then you never have to do it again. Subconscious work takes conscious effort, repetition, and consistency.

[00:18:09] And so does your strategy. And when you have that repetition, consistency and conscious effort, it will start to create new neural pathways. This is why people continue working with me. I have so many people join for me, join with me one to one for three months and they're like, hell no, I'm not going anywhere.

[00:18:30] Let's carry on. Most, most of my clients are like, whenever you're From paternity leave, let me know. So when you start taking action from a space of doubt or fear, what you're actually doing is you are reinforcing the neural pathways that tell your brain this isn't working. I call my clients out on this all the time.

[00:18:54] The language that you use, both out loud If you're messaging me, for example, my client would message me, or if you are speaking out to a friend, talking to, you know, talking to your business bestie, or even just in your mind, language is so important to your neural pathways. And if you are constantly coming from the place of this isn't working, or this is never going to happen for me, or money is not going to You know, money is never going to come into my bank account.

[00:19:24] You are reinforcing that neural pathway. You are making that belief so repetitive and so consistent that over time it is going to make it harder to believe in your strategy, even if it's solid. And what that you're Often I see is I can teach two people the same strategy and One person has the belief in themselves that they're going to do it Anyway, regardless of the strategy and the other person doesn't and guess which one it works for a lot of the time Strategies are very very very similar.

[00:20:04] How many courses have you done? with the same story strategy, with the same content structure, with the same business structure, that there's not much more that we can do. And you can learn strategy from bloody Google, mostly TikTok nowadays, you know, there is so much information out of there. But actually, when you take that and you pair it with your subconscious beliefs, I know exactly who is going to be resilient.

[00:20:33] and carry on and be consistent and allow the strategy to work for them because they believe in themselves. And when you are rewiring your brain, we need to rewire so your subconscious is your best ally, your best friend. And there are so many people out there who is using their subconscious as their worst fucking enemy.

[00:20:58] In fact, you are literally installing beliefs that don't serve you. Every single minute because that's all you keep thinking about. Now, over time, like I said, this is going to make your strategy seem harder and harder to believe in, even if it is really solid. Now, when you practice, Aligning Your Mindset.

[00:21:22] When you start taking small, intentional actions that really reinforce a belief in the possibility, you are essentially rewiring your brain to support your new strategy. And we need to feed, and this is a task that I get my clients to do all the time, we need to feed your brain new positive evidence. New positive evidence all the time.

[00:21:54] You can create new subconscious patterns that align with the success that you are trying to bring in through small evidence. A lot of the time I'll have clients be like, well, you know, I did do this and I probably did do this. And, you know, maybe I did do this. and I'm like, okay, so why are we not focusing on any of those?

[00:22:16] Why are we not celebrating any of those? Why are we not using those as evidence to this being the way? Now, this is where the power of visualizations, hypnosis, Affirmations come in because it's not, it's not about thinking positively, just that, it's about intentionally creating new neural pathways that align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious actions.

[00:22:49] That's what we need to do if you're having this disparity. Intentionally creating new neural pathways that align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious actions. What are those conscious actions? And does your subconscious beliefs Fully support that and I mean fully support that. So we're going to work through a couple of journal prompts and I'm going to pop these in the show notes so you can always go back if you're driving or if you're walking or wherever you are you can go back and kind of download these but I want to go through them with you and kind of tell you why I'm asking you these things to work through.

[00:23:29] So we're going to work through strategy blocks with subconscious alignment. And I really want you to dive into these. There's not many. So first question, what is my current belief about the strategy I'm using? Are there any parts of me that feel like it won't work? And if so, how come? So what is my current belief about the strategy I'm using?

[00:24:05] And are there any parts of me, really listening to that, that feels like it won't work? And if so, how come? Now this prompt is where we can start to uncover the subconscious beliefs that's driving your actions. Are you operating from a place of scarcity where you fully believe that success is going to be hard to achieve?

[00:24:32] Are you maybe holding on to an old story about money that says that you don't deserve the income level that you're trying to aim for? If your subconscious mind is going to take you back to those beliefs, that's what we want to do. We want to identify them. That's the first step. Awareness. Breaking the cycle.

[00:24:56] And really, as you reflect on this question, I, I don't want you to just think about the conscious goals, I want you to dig into what you really feel about the strategy and whether it aligns with how you see yourself at a subconscious level. That true, deep identity work. Next question. How can I anchor into the possibility that my strategy is working, even if my external results haven't shown up yet?

[00:25:36] Now, the reason why I ask this is because your brain, I've said it many times, craves certainty and it wants to see evidence all the time. But here's the thing in business. Here is the thing. We don't always get immediate proof. We don't. And we sometimes can't control that. And this is truly where the real work comes in.

[00:26:10] Because holding on to the belief that your strategy is working, even if you don't have the tangible results yet, and you've done the work to understand that the strategy is solid. That's where you have to have the belief in holding it. And I really want you to sit in that. How can I anchor into the possibility that my strategy is working, even if externally it hasn't shown up yet?

[00:26:43] Now we know, and I've said before on the podcast, that the brain really responds to imagery as if it's real. And I've said it before in the way of the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is not. Now this is brilliant because what that means is that we can train your subconscious to believe in the success of your strategy through visualization, through creating those mental pictures.

[00:27:12] This is why I do a new visualization in the subconscious membership every single month. When you imagine your strategy succeeding, your brain will begin to associate that and associate the outcome with safety. with making it easier to continue to take aligned action. Really, really getting into that and understanding that.

[00:27:39] And then the last question that I want you to work on is what is one small aligned action that I can take today that would reinforce my belief in this strategy. And this is where I come into my own, because this is where the subconscious and action meet. And that's why people love working with me, because I bring them both together.

[00:28:09] Now, neuroscience shows that really small, consistent actions compound over time. And when you take an action that reinforces your belief in the strategy, more importantly, your belief in the strategy. Even if it's something small, you're creating a feedback loop that's going to strengthen your new belief.

[00:28:36] And each aligned action sends a signal to your brain that this is safe, I am capable, this is working. And over time those small actions build up and you'll see the results in your external reality. And really, really hold on to that. Really hold on to that. So to wrap up, when your strategy feels like it's not working and you've done a lot of work in putting a strategy together, and you've spent a hell of a lot of investing in having strategies that work for other people and have worked for other people, which nine times out of 10 is why you invest, because you see someone else using the strategy and it's working for them.

[00:29:25] So when your strategy feels like it isn't working and you've got it there, It's often because there is a disconnect between what you consciously want and what your subconscious believes is possible for you. The disconnect on what you consciously want and what your subconscious believes is possible for you.

[00:29:45] By identifying those subconscious blocks, by challenging them, by realigning your mindset with your actions, you are going to create the conditions for your strategy to thrive. You show up for your strategy, not the other way around. And like I said, the power of neuroplasticity, the whole reason why I'm here and why people invest in me, is because I can rewire your brain to support your new goals.

[00:30:15] And by holding the vision of your success, by taking the aligned action that has the right belief behind it, consistent action from a space of belief. The most important bit of today's podcast episode, you will shift the energy behind your strategy and that's when things start to click, that's when the results start to show up, that's when I get messages in Voxer going, fuck Beck, it's working.

[00:30:40] Nine times out of ten we've not done a lot of change to their strategy, we've tweaked a couple of bits. So, I hope this episode has really helped you see how powerful your subconscious mind is in driving your strategy forward. And remember, your mindset, I say it so many times, is just as important as your actions.

[00:31:04] And when the two are aligned, oh, that is when the magic happens. Thanks It really truly is. And I've seen it time and time again. Now, if this episode has resonated with you, I would love to hear your ha moments, your takeaways. I had so many messages from the last couple of podcast episodes. So I'm very, very excited to hear from you.

[00:31:26] Until next time, keep doing the inner work, keep aligning your energy with your strategy, and keep moving towards that next level of your business. And if you need support in that, the Subconscious Membership is where to start. I love you all, and I'll see you on the next episode. 

[00:31:41] I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So, whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favourite episode, reviewing the podcast, and of course, that juicy 5 star rating. These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you.

[00:32:06] Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon. com. I'll see you there.


More about The Subconscious Expert:

Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!


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