Subconscious Basics: Subconscious Reprogramming Through Language [ep. #209]
Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!
Have you ever wondered how the words you use every day shape your reality? Subconscious reprogramming through language is a fascinating topic that reveals how your internal and external dialogues influence your beliefs and actions.
In today's episode, I discuss how the language you use daily can influence your subconscious mind, which controls a staggering 95% of our behaviour! I'll guide you through understanding why the subconscious mind doesn't differentiate between real and imagined experiences and how this can actually work in your favour when reprogramming limiting beliefs. I'll provide real-life examples of how you can audit your self-talk, reframe negative language, and use future identity statements to align your subconscious with your goals.
Plus, we'll explore the nuances of language and discover how intentional word choices can lead to positive changes in your life. Language is one of the most underrated, yet most powerful tools for reprogramming your subconscious mind, so let's learn how it can reshape your beliefs and actions!
Topics covered on Subconscious Reprogramming Through Language:
How does the language you use influence your subconscious mind?
What role does the way you speak to yourself play in shaping your beliefs?
How can you subconsciously reprogramme your mind through language?
Why is intentional language so important in subconscious work?
How does language you use directly impact your business growth?
Resources mentioned in this episode:
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“Language is probably one of the most underrated, yet most powerful tools for reprogramming your subconscious.” - Rebecca Haydon
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[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before, and I will say it a hundred times again. Your business cannot outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.
[00:00:26] So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve.
[00:00:31] Hello, my loves. Welcome back to the Subconscious Expert. And for one of the last in the subconscious basics. Today, we are looking at language. It is so Important. It is so important and I cannot wait to dive into how language has such an impact on your subconscious, on your beliefs, and how the words that you think, the words that you speak, the words that you absorb around you in your environment, your friends, your family, your business besties, every day are really shaping your reality.
[00:01:13] Probably more importantly, how to change them to work in your favor. So we're going to start first of all, with kind of understanding the subconscious and language and how this works together. So we know now, if you've listened to the Subconscious Basics, that your subconscious mind is literally the hard drive of your brain.
[00:01:33] It is running 95 percent of the, of the show. It's storing your habits, it's storing your beliefs, it's storing your patterns. Many of which were really formed and programmed before the ages of seven. Now, your subconscious does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. It's literal, it's repetitive, and most importantly here, it's It's most influenced by language.
[00:02:07] The language that we use, both out loud And in our thoughts and the, the words that we use are literally direct commands to our subconscious. So I want you to almost think of the words that you use, that you're saying to yourself, to others around you, as the input that tells your subconscious mind what to focus on and what to believe.
[00:02:39] So, for example, if you keep saying, Oh, I'm just so bad at selling. Oh, I'm just so bad at selling. Your subconscious locks that in as truth and it begins to filter through your reticular activated system, which I have a podcast on if you want to go and check that out, it filters your reality to reinforce that belief.
[00:03:02] Now, here's the good news, as I always like to bring you a bit of good news, just as language can program limiting beliefs, your language can also rewrite them. And that's the magic that we're going to bloody explore in today's episode.
[00:03:17] So, Language is probably, what I believe, one of the most underrated, yet most powerful tools for reprogramming your subconscious.
[00:03:30] When I work with clients, there is many, many a time where I literally just use the power of language with them, and it allows them to have the best experience. Biggest breakthroughs, the most aha moments, get seen things differently, feel called out. Whatever the language does, it is very, very, very powerful.
[00:03:52] And I am very good at using language in order for my clients to get breakthroughs. They often don't know it because it's literally in conversation, but language can be the most powerful tool. As powerful as timeline therapy, as hypnotherapy, as other techniques, like actual physical techniques that I use in the business, language is as powerful as that.
[00:04:17] So let me give you an example. I want you to just have a think back. How often do you use the words like, uh, try or hope or can't in your day to day conversations? Words like these carry such uncertainty and such limitation. I'll try and hit my, uh, my revenue goal this month. I, yeah, I mean, I hope I will. I hope we will.
[00:04:48] Yeah, I hope it. You, you are not fully committing. Your subconscious will literally pick up on that and it will Mirror it back to you. It will literally mirror it back to you in your external world and in your internal world. Now we can contrast that with powerful, powerful language. I am hitting my revenue goal this month.
[00:05:14] Your subconscious is going to begin to align your thoughts, your emotions, your actions to make it happen. You can really notice the difference. And to be honest, notice the energy behind it. Each of them. One creates doubt, literally through the words that you're saying, and the other is creating certainty and momentum.
[00:05:34] So let's go even deeper. I want you to think about how often you use what we call absolutes. For example, I always mess this up. I never get it right. This always happens to me. These absolutes are locking your subconscious into rigid patterns. By saying it over and over again, you take it down to an identity level, and language and your identity is a very, very connected.
[00:06:07] We're going to be talking about that today. Now, when you are stopping yourself in these rigid patterns, your subconscious can't see a way out, or another choice. A way to be different. I'm always late. I always do things last minute. All of these absolutes, you are locking yourself into patterns. Now, literally by simply reframing them, and you have to catch yourself if you've said that quite a few times, but you have to catch yourself, but simply literally reframing them to something more flexible.
[00:06:42] For example, I'm learning To get things right, I'm working on XXX, whatever that is, I am open to, I am ready for, you are creating an opening for growth and change. So you can start to see really how language is so powerful. And like I said, it's because it's tied directly to your identity. Every time you say something.
[00:07:15] In your mind or out loud, you are reinforcing a belief about yourself. So when you say, I'm just not a morning person, like I'm just not a morning person, what happens? Your brain goes, okay, that's who we are. And what it does is it filters your actions, it filters your perceptions, it filters your environment around you to match that belief.
[00:07:39] You'll hit the snooze, you'll struggle to feel energized. You literally keep reinforcing the same pattern And it's coming from your language. Now flip it. If you start saying, I'm someone who's learning to wake up with energy and excitement, your brain will start to look for ways to make that true. You might start or notice you feel a little bit better in the morning.
[00:08:02] You maybe start to align your habits. Like going to bed earlier, prepping for the day on the night before. It is literally a ripple effect and language creates identity and identity shapes your actions. The moment that you take a phrase to, I am, you are going down to an identity level, and that is through your language.
[00:08:26] I am anxious. I am overwhelmed. I am always late. All of these very, very slight little things that you say during the day, and maybe you say it again and again, to be honest, maybe you say it as a bit of a joke, you are literally reinforcing that pattern. Now you've done very well to reinforce patterns that are not helping you.
[00:08:49] So we can do really well to reinforce patterns that are going to help you. Every word you use is literally like. Casting a vote for the person you want to become. How cool is that? Every word you use is like putting another little vote on the person that you want to become. So the more you use language that reflects the identity that you want to step into, the more your subconscious will align with it.
[00:09:15] That's why affirmations, especially when you've done the subconscious work behind it, reframes. Anything like that aren't just nice things to say. It's not just because Becky's told you to bloody say it. They're literally tools to shift your identity. And when you shift your identity, ultimately you shift your reality.
[00:09:36] It happens time and time again. When I work with clients, it's happened loads in the membership. I have seen so many people change the language. And actions have changed because of it. So you get to actually decide that. You don't, you know how to talk, you know how to do that. You've done it since a very young age.
[00:09:57] So how about you use a tool that we literally use at any given moment in our life? It's there for you. So now we kind of understand the basics. I want to get a little bit practical here. And these are kind of three things that you can do to start shifting your subconscious beliefs using language. The first thing I want you to do, and to be honest, this might be a little bit confronting, is I want you to Audit your self talk because the first step is awareness.
[00:10:31] We know that. So for the next 24 hours, I want you to just literally notice the words you use when you're talking to yourself or when you're talking to others. Are you being kind, empowering, intentional, or are you falling into patterns of negativity or doubt or limitation? I want you to either have a piece of paper on your desk, or just in the notes app of your phone, and I just want you to write down reoccurring phrases you notice, especially the ones that aren't serving you.
[00:11:08] So if you find yourself saying, I'm so overwhelmed, I'm just so overwhelmed, oh my god, I'm just so freaking over, overwhelmed, write it down. And I want you to get a bit curious here. Go into the seas, calm, curious, confident, capable, look at it with curiosity. No judgment here, no judgment. Then what I want you to do is I want you to reframe with empowering language.
[00:11:35] So once you've identified your patterns, the language patterns, we want to reframe them. So take the phrase. I'm so overwhelmed. What could you shift it to that is going to be more powerful for you, more empowering for you? That could be, I'm in the process of prioritizing what matters most. See how that feels.
[00:12:02] You've gone from victim mode. I'm overwhelmed, done, full stop, nothing can change and I'm not willing to change it. Two, possibility. I'm in the process of prioritizing what matters most. Can you see how simple that is? But how much more open to actually changing and understanding you become? Instead of, I can't do this, I literally can't do this.
[00:12:34] What about we say, I'm learning how to do this. Can you see how different both from an energetic perspective, but from a moving forward perspective, it happens just by those simple shifts and literally those shifts can change how your subconscious operates. And what it believes is possible for you. You are feeding your subconscious what it believes to be true.
[00:13:00] You're feeding it every day with your language. And this is why I don't hold your hand when we do this work. There's no excuses around here because it's from you. I'm not there to listen to every thought that you have. I'm not there to hold your hand through every situation you're going through. I want to give you the tools when you work with me in the membership, One to one, I want to give you the tools so you can start to self identify and self work through it.
[00:13:28] It's really, really important. And you literally hold that power. The next thing, so this is our third step, is use future identity statements. You've heard this before, right? Future identity statements are when you speak as if your future self is already here. So instead of saying, Oh, you know, I, I know one day I'll be successful.
[00:13:53] You say, I am a successful CEO who runs a thriving business. This isn't about lying to yourself. And I know there might be a little bit of victim part coming in right now and be like, yeah, Beck, yeah, okay, of course, but I don't freaking believe it. What this is about, it's about training your subconscious to focus on that version of you.
[00:14:16] Now you compare this with visualization. That's what I do inside the membership. Like close your eyes, see yourself and say the words out loud because the combination of language and imagery and emotion is literally a turbo boost. Literally a turbo boost for your subconscious. So this is why we do and have all of these tools in your subconscious tool belt, because you can be growing those new neural pathways at any given moment.
[00:14:45] You don't need to sit down and do a visualization. You don't need to sit down and even do a hypnosis. They're very good to support the things, but you can literally do it through your language. So let's kind of bring this into your business. I want you to think about how you describe your goals, how you describe your challenges, maybe even your clients, you know, are you saying things like, it's so hard to find clients, no one's buying right now.
[00:15:11] These statements are literally reinforcing lack and struggle, and guess what happens? You have more lack and struggle because that's what you are programming your subconscious to think about. So we could reframe it to something like, my ideal clients are always finding their way to me. I'm attracting aligned buyers who are ready to invest.
[00:15:38] Notice how, how these shifts feel full of possibility. Don't you want that? Don't we want to feel expansive? That's the energy you want to bring into your business. And what I find is language. Matters. It matters when you're creating content. It matters when you are selling your offers online. It matters in your sales call.
[00:16:01] How you talk about your services can literally make and break how people perceive their value. Literally. Words matter. They really matter. Use them intentionally. Use them intentionally. So. Just a bit of neuroscience to finish up on this podcast episode, and something that I've spoke about before, which is your reticular activated system, your RAS, that is acting like a filter for what you focus on.
[00:16:30] Now, when you use intentional language, you are priming your RAS. You literally prime it to notice opportunities, to notice solutions, creativity, ideas, possibilities that align with those words. You can literally make your brain a GPS to take you to where you want to go. And this is why language. The affirmations, when you've done the belief work behind them, reframing, future identity statements are so powerful.
[00:17:07] They're not just here for fluffy, feel good, self development practices. Because so and so from so and so's Instagram has told you to do some affirmations today. No, they are literally rewiring how your brain thinks. Perceives and interacts with the world. So what language are you going to feed yourself for the rest of the day and for the rest of your life?
[00:17:33] Because the language that you are saying both outward and inward is literally Changing your reality. And it might be changing it into a reality that you're not so fond of. So let's use it. Let's use the language to change. Anytime I do any belief work, the first thing I do is I pop the belief on a piece of paper and next to it, I reframe that belief.
[00:18:02] How can I take that belief and I reframe it to a belief that's going to serve me better? I'm learning to, I'm open to, I understand that I can. All of these words have a real shift in what that could look like for you. It's so, so powerful. So, your action steps as we wrap up. Number one, I want you to audit your language for the next 24 hours.
[00:18:30] I want you to keep a note of everything you say, might be a lot, but keep a note of what language is cropping up time and time again. What are you saying in your head? What sort of phrases are there? Number two, like I've just said, identify and reframe, reframe the limiting phrases as you notice them.
[00:18:50] Catch yourself. Oh, what's that the language that I want to pump out into my reality? No, no, no, no. Okay, let me reframe it. Boom. And then just keep reframing it again and again and again. You can create a Future identity statement. Maybe that's something that you say out loud every morning for the next week.
[00:19:09] Invite your reticular activated system in to see it, to bring evidence to it. Really help you. You can help yourself. I always say this. Your subconscious can be your worst enemy or your biggest ally. If you use it right, and this is why I'm so passionate with the work that I do inside any way that you work with me, your words, the words that you use are creating your reality.
[00:19:41] You literally have the power in your goddamn mouth to rewrite the script and step into a version of you that you know that you can be. You can do that. And it starts with you and how you're speaking to yourself and what you're saying with that. So I hope this episode has given you a couple of things to think about.
[00:20:04] Make sure you share it with a business bestie, tag me on Instagram, leave a nice little review on Apple Podcasts. Your support literally means the world to me, and I love hearing that. All of you saying, I just binge your podcast. I binge and binge and binge and binge. That's what I created this for, to give you these moments where you go, Oh shit.
[00:20:23] Yes, I do have the power. Until next time, I will see you then. Let's really get clear on your language and I'll see you in the next episode. Love ya! I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So, whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favourite episode, reviewing the podcast, and of course, that juicy 5 star rating.
[00:20:52] These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you. Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon. com. I'll see you there.
More about The Subconscious Expert:
Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!