Client Success Story: When You Finally Make That Massive Business Pivot with Caroline Copp [ep. #219]

Client Success Story: When You Finally Make That Massive Business Pivot with Caroline Copp

Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!

Welcome to another powerful client success story! Today I sit down with one of my 1:1 clients, Caroline Copp, who made a massive business pivot after 20 years. This transition didn't happen overnight; it took time, deep clarity, and a whole lot of bravery! And that is exactly what we'll be talking about in the episode.

When Caroline came to me, she was using strategies in her business that no longer felt aligned, and she was sitting on the edge of a business pivot that she hadn't fully admitted to herself yet. But during our time together, she gained the confidence to finally make the bold move, and the results were incredible! Join us as we get real and raw about what it took for her to make this transition. You'll hear about strategy shifts, mindset work, subconscious blocks, and much more. 

So if you've ever felt stuck in your business or uncertain about your current path, this episode is for you!


More about Caroline Copp:

Caroline Copp has had a 20-year career in wellness as a master Pilates trainer primarily helping women in midlife to move well through perimenopause and beyond. In 2018 Caroline moved her business online and over the past 6 years has built, sold and scaled numerous online courses and continues to run a thriving digital membership. More recently in 2024, Caroline has distilled the trials and errors from her digital journey and has developed a coaching business to help other wellness entrepreneurs, coaches, teachers and experts to build a business where they can reach and help more people whilst adding freedom and revenue to their face-to-face businesses.


Topics covered on When You Finally Make That Massive Business Pivot:

  1. What were Caroline's challenges in business before we started working together?

  2. Subconscious beliefs that held Caroline back from making a business pivot.

  3. The moment when Caroline realised she wanted to do a massive business pivot.

  4. What mindset shifts did Caroline go through that allowed her to step into her CEO version and make the business pivot?

  5. Caroline's biggest wins since we've started working together.

  6. What would Caroline say to someone who is considering working with me?


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  1. Beyond In-Person free training:



"The big part of my transformation was being able to wear your confidence whilst I find my own." - Caroline Cropp



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[00:00:00] Rebecca Haydon: You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before, and I will say it a hundred times again, your business cannot outgrow your mindset. And if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.

[00:00:26] Rebecca Haydon: So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve. Hello, gorgeous lady, and welcome back to The Subconscious Expert and another client success story. Today, I am sitting down with an incredible guest, one of my six month one to one clients, Caroline. Now, Caroline is an absolute powerhouse in the wellness industry, and she has over 20 years of experience.

[00:00:53] Rebecca Haydon: Of experience as a Master Pilates trainer. She was helping women in midlife move well through perimenopause and beyond. But during our time together, it all changed. Now Caroline made the leap into the digital space. Back in 2018, and she'd spent the last six years building, selling, and scaling online courses, as well as running her digital membership.

[00:01:23] Rebecca Haydon: But in 2024, she really felt the pull towards something bigger, kind of taking everything she's learned. The trials, the tribulations, the errors, and using them to help other wellness entrepreneurs, coaches, experts, build businesses that allow them to reach more people, create more impact and more freedom and revenue in their lives.

[00:01:46] Rebecca Haydon: Now, This transition wasn't instant. It took time. It took deep clarity and a whole lot of bravery. And that is what we're talking about inside the podcast today, because when Caroline and I started working together, she was implementing strategies that kind of no longer aligned with her. She was right waiting for results that.

[00:02:08] Rebecca Haydon: Never quite came in. She was sitting on the edge of a pivot that she kind of hadn't fully admitted to herself yet. Now, over the course of our six months together, she gained the confidence from a subconscious point of view to not only recognize the shift that she wanted to make, but then actually make the bloody bold action towards it.

[00:02:30] Rebecca Haydon: So. In today's episode, we get very raw and real about what it took to step into this next level, not from just the strategy shifts, but the mindset work, the subconscious blocks that she had to move through and how her vision for her business and for her life has evolved. Absolutely completely transformed.

[00:02:51] Rebecca Haydon: It was such a powerful, powerful interview. And if you've ever felt stuck in your business, uncertain about what's next, kind of hesitant to admit that your current path isn't fully aligned. I know this episode is going to speak directly to you. It is such a good one. I cannot wait to dive in. I am so proud of Caroline and what she's gone on to do.

[00:03:15] Rebecca Haydon: Thank you. How she shows up in her business, how she sells constantly sold out launches. And we're about to find out what happened inside the container when we work together, let's go. Hello, beautiful podcast listeners. Welcome back to another success story. I have already given her such a stellar, stellar intro.

[00:03:36] Rebecca Haydon: That is for sure, but welcome Caroline. Oh my goodness. I am so excited to dive in. 

[00:03:41] Caroline Copp: Me too. I'm so excited. So happy to be here. 

[00:03:46] Rebecca Haydon: Um, it was quite the transformation, wasn't it? It was, in, in so many ways. So many ways. And we talk about it still to this day. I still drop into your Instagram pretty much weekly, I think, at the moment.

[00:04:00] Rebecca Haydon: Fully cheerleading, fully celebrating because of the shift that happened. And I know we're going to be talking all about it today. So I'm very excited to celebrate you and celebrate the business and our time together. But let's kind of take it back. Let's take it back to where it all began. That one day where the sun was shining that bright in my eyes, I had to go and use the other computer.

[00:04:22] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, 

[00:04:22] Caroline Copp: you did. It was in, you're on Jack's side. 

[00:04:26] Rebecca Haydon: I was on Jack's side of the office. Um, but tell everyone. Before we started working together, kind of what was your business like? How were you feeling about the strategies that you were using, your subconscious at the time, the results that were happening?

[00:04:41] Rebecca Haydon: Where were you? 

[00:04:43] Caroline Copp: Okay. So, um, I have been a Pilates teacher for the last 20 years, and I have sort of spent the last kind of six years building an online membership. I've launched lots of courses and I've been, you know, like reasonably successful in that was working. I felt like there was something in the way.

[00:05:03] Caroline Copp: I knew all the strategy, like all the strategy, um, and I couldn't quite get to where I wanted to get to. And it was when I saw a friend that was working with you and she said it about mindset and it never occurred to me that mindset might be a thing. And so I reached out and I think I, I listened to Pippa's podcast recently, but I think I was booked in with you fairly quickly.

[00:05:27] Caroline Copp: Didn't think that much about it. Um, and it, it, it, I just needed, I needed some, uh, sort of accountability, but I just needed somebody to kind of show me my blind spots. I think that was really what I felt like I needed at the time. What I ended up getting was Entirely different, but that was kind of why I called you.

[00:05:47] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, I think subconsciously you knew what you, what you wanted. Um, and I know we'll, we'll get into it, but like the, the end of, well, you started to three months, we upgraded to six months, which I'm so glad about because the second half of our time together was where the kind of the bigger business pivot happened.

[00:06:06] Rebecca Haydon: Um, but. Now, kind of reflecting back, I know you were obviously, like you said, kind of unaware of the blind spots, what was keeping you in those kind of, like, the old strategies and the hoping for results and kind of keeping you in that cycle? Now you look back from a subconscious point of view? 

[00:06:25] Caroline Copp: I think Honestly, it was fear.

[00:06:27] Caroline Copp: Um, I think there was a lot of, um, I was comfortable. I, you know, I'd learned all the strategy and I was, you know, I'd done every course going and bought every book and listened to every podcast and I was comfortable doing that stuff. But the things that I needed to do to really move me forwards were out of my comfort zone and I just wasn't able to do them.

[00:06:48] Caroline Copp: And I think it was fear. And, and we can come back to kind of, um, Exactly what that looked like. Yeah, I think I was, I needed, I needed permission. It's like, I, I, and I was thinking about this this morning. I've always been some, one of those people, I'm quite a fast learner. Like you don't need to show me things more than once, but I do need permission.

[00:07:08] Caroline Copp: And when I, I remember when I was learning to speak, My driving instructor, I'd be like going at like 40 miles an hour in gear, like second gear. And he'd be like, you know, you can go up through the gears. And I'd like, Oh, can I? Okay. And once he told me I could, I would. And it's like, I needed someone to go, okay, you know, the stuff now you can do it.

[00:07:26] Caroline Copp: Like you can, you can go with it. And I didn't have that from myself or anybody else. So I felt like that was a big, like a big part of it. That sort of permission 

[00:07:36] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah. And building the confidence around that permission as well, wasn't it? Cause you, once you got it, you moved, right? We, we, we did big moves.

[00:07:45] Rebecca Haydon: So let's kind of go into the fear because we, we first started, your business looks very different now to when we started, didn't it? And you were speaking to a whole different. Niche, right? Like a whole different client. So we started to build that side of the business. What sort of things did you find the fear was stopping you from doing at that point in your business?

[00:08:10] Caroline Copp: So in the early, in the first, first version of the business, um, it was stopping me from reaching out to people, asking for help, collaborating. I've got this kind of big fear around being indebted to people. And that was, that was a big one that kept coming up for me. And, and. And so I would never ask for that collaboration because I didn't want to feel like it was too one sided or I wasn't giving enough back and so there was always that fear around not being Putting myself out there and just putting myself out there.

[00:08:39] Caroline Copp: You know, I'd happily do the daily Instagram posts, but I, I wouldn't reach out and speak to somebody about going on their podcast or, um, being, you know, speaking on their stage. I just never felt like I was allowed to do that, that that was, I didn't really even know that. That's what people did. But I just, I wouldn't have done it anyway.

[00:08:57] Caroline Copp: I didn't feel like I had that permission. I needed the invite. I needed to be asked. So I think, I think that was really standing my way, that, that bit of permission and, and having the confidence to go out and go after what I wanted and really feel, maybe it was partly because I do remember you saying something along the lines of, you know, you, this is successful.

[00:09:17] Caroline Copp: I never felt like it was, I always felt like it was like a half, half assed effort. Like I hadn't quite done a good enough job yet. And, and you saying, actually, no, this is a, this is a business, you're doing really well, it's successful. It was like, okay, a bit of, kind of a bit of, um, acknowledgement that I'd done okay to that point.

[00:09:35] Caroline Copp: Um, and I didn't really feel like I had, I always felt like there was so far to go. And I was looking at people that were so much further ahead of me and comparing, and that was keeping me stuck. That sort of, that gap between where I was and where I wanted to be was Was the problem, because I couldn't see the little stepping stones in the middle.

[00:09:53] Caroline Copp: I could just see the big, like, you know, 

[00:09:55] Rebecca Haydon: the mountain, the climb. Yeah. It's the climb. Um, so when we started to almost reverse engineer the climb of the mountain, I think things started to get a little bit clearer to you in the way that you wanted to go and. I think when you came to me, I remember having the conversation and this was even, you know, prior to us working together, you were like, there is something missing and I cannot put my finger on it.

[00:10:26] Rebecca Haydon: And I kind of don't know what it is, but I know I'm meant for more from a business perspective, from who you want to be, who you want to be, who you wanted to be coaching. All there was such a big question mark over that, wasn't there? What do you think now, kind of reflecting back of it, what do you think was stopping you from actually seeing what then happened?

[00:10:48] Rebecca Haydon: And don't you worry, we'll let you know what happened in a minute. We're really skirting around like it's some sort of secret. 

[00:10:55] Caroline Copp: I knew that I wanted to change direction, but I didn't. I can really remember our first session together when we went through a kind of business deep dive. And it became apparent really quickly that I wasn't looking to just kind of grow on what I was already doing.

[00:11:12] Caroline Copp: Because very quick, it was almost like I wanted to say, Rebecca, I wanted, I want an entirely new business, but I didn't feel right. And looking back, I can't figure out why. It was like admitting it to someone else meant I had to admit it to myself, that all of this work I've been doing actually wasn't going to end up being.

[00:11:31] Caroline Copp: The final iteration of where I was going. So I can remember that first session together and we were like, okay, we need to, we need to pull this apart because actually this, this isn't the direction. And even at that point we knew that, but we still carried on for a bit on that direction because I kind of wasn't quite ready to give up on it.

[00:11:48] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, and I think it was this, your subconscious only brings up the things that you're ready to look at and the things that you're ready to work through, and I think we did kind of mold slightly into more where you wanted to be in the way of who you were attracting. It was a different, you know, you were still teaching Pilates as, uh, as the kind of person that you were.

[00:12:07] Rebecca Haydon: Business vehicle. Um, and I think kind of that just helped you go, okay, there's, there's a world out there that's kind of outside of where I currently am and what would that look like and how would that be? So describe the moment that you realized that you were You wanted that massive pivot. And I think it was, it was very small steps, wasn't it?

[00:12:30] Rebecca Haydon: But there was that, like there was one session where you were like, all right. 

[00:12:35] Caroline Copp: Yeah, there was a debt. There was a day I can remember so clearly that I'd done a launch. So I was still running the Pilates membership and I'd done a launch for the membership. And I think I'd welcomed in about 20 new members or something.

[00:12:47] Caroline Copp: It was a good launch, but it still didn't kind of feel right. Fill me with excitement. And, and it was just that moment where I was like, I've done such a lot of work for this. And I don't feel excited about the next, the next stage of it and doing this again and again and again. And I just, and there was, so there was a moment where I just thought, I, this isn't what I, This isn't what I want to do.

[00:13:08] Caroline Copp: And I remember coming to you in the session and saying, I really want to work with experts who want to build businesses, you know, want to build digital businesses. But I was so scared that it was like, uh, like I was just following a kind of shiny object. Like I was, like I was ditching what I'd spent all these years building, um, in favor of something, you know, that I thought might be easier.

[00:13:30] Caroline Copp: I was so worried that I didn't, that maybe it was the hard path. that I was avoiding, you know, and I was trying to take an easy route. And I remember sitting in the, in the session with you and you sort of, I can't actually remember what you, what you did, but I remember you, you taking me through a process.

[00:13:46] Caroline Copp: Magic. Magic. How do we define whether this was like an, the direction that I really wanted to go in, or was I just trying to find an easier option? Um, because that was my fear. Like, am I, am I just taking the easy option? And ditching, you know, running for the hills, like, and you took me through this process and we kind of realized at the end of it that actually not only was it not the easier option to, um, to ditch, actually I was going to be taking the harder option to pivot and change direction, but it was It was actually what I really wanted.

[00:14:18] Caroline Copp: Like it was what I had been like my sort of secret in, like, I hadn't even really realized it myself. But again, it was your, it was your permission when you said, I, I remember saying to you, I don't know that I'm qualified to teach people this. And you said, but you have a business that you've been running for six years that, that, Is what you're going to be teaching.

[00:14:40] Caroline Copp: You are way ahead of anyone you're going to be teaching. So why aren't you qualified? You are, it's successful. Okay. Just get on with it. How many more 

[00:14:46] Rebecca Haydon: times do I need to tell you? And it was 

[00:14:49] Caroline Copp: that moment. It was that moment of permission that I was like. Right, okay, let's do it, I'm on it, and then it went, and then it just flew.

[00:14:58] Rebecca Haydon: Oh, I've got goosebumps and I'm a bit teary because I remember that session so, so well because I think it built up and I, the reason why I wanted to really, really hone in on this bit of our work together, especially for people listening is because there are so many people who are craving this. Massive pivot, small pivot in their business, but they're holding themselves back to the stories that they're telling.

[00:15:22] Rebecca Haydon: And I think your big story was, Oh my God, I've worked so hard for the last six years. And if I give up on this, I'm I failed. Like that was a big, big narrative, wasn't it? Um, And then the narrative around, you know, am I qualified enough to do this? You know what, you almost couldn't see that you'd had a very successful business, which is hence why I had to keep telling you.

[00:15:45] Rebecca Haydon: And I think there is so many people that stay unaligned in their business because your business was doing fine. Your business was doing great. You could have carried on doing that for another three years and still, still been okay. But actually from that moment that we made the shift, and I know we'll talk about that.

[00:16:01] Rebecca Haydon: Today as well, but the way that you've sold, the way you show up, the way that you feel, the clients that you're working with, like who you are, like everything just exploded, didn't it? And in the most beautiful way, to the point of, I remember having this conversation where you were like, Beck, like, why have I waited this long to do this?

[00:16:21] Rebecca Haydon: And that was the feeling, wasn't it? Once we made the shift. 

[00:16:24] Caroline Copp: That was how it felt. Like, why have I, why have I held off on this for so long? But I couldn't have done it before. Like it was, the timing was 

[00:16:31] Rebecca Haydon: perfect. It was perfect. Yeah, exactly. What do you think shifted from a mindset perspective that allowed you to step into that version of yourself and allowed you to go Okay.

[00:16:43] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah. This is the business that I want to be running. 

[00:16:46] Caroline Copp: There was a few things. There was the permission, which we've talked about, but there was also the moving away of that fear of failure. And I'm not, and I'm not really like, I wouldn't say I'm the type of person that overthinks things. Like I do just tend to jump in two feet and have a go.

[00:17:02] Caroline Copp: Like I don't, I wouldn't have ever said I was that person that fears failure, but I definitely fear judgment and a bit, I'm a bit of a people pleaser. So worry about, you know, what are people going to Think, you know, even my husband, I'm like, what's he gonna think? Suddenly I'm not a Pilates teacher anymore.

[00:17:17] Caroline Copp: How does that work? Like, and so there was definite kind of, um, who am I if I'm not that, you know, I've been that for so many years. 

[00:17:26] Rebecca Haydon: It's identity piece, wasn't it? 

[00:17:28] Caroline Copp: It was identity. Yeah. And I love wellness and I love being that person. So I didn't want to step away from Wellness either. That was the other thing.

[00:17:36] Caroline Copp: I don't want to not be that. So it was like, how do I, how do I bring those two worlds together where I work with the wellness experts and still retain that myself, but I still want to be that. So it was, it was that fear of maybe giving up a bit of identity that I kind of built. got over by, by meshing in, in the expertise of, you know, the area of wellness and helping those people.

[00:17:59] Caroline Copp: Um, because I understand them. I get them, um, and I know I kind of know where they are. So it meant it meant that kind of showing up as that person as that person that could help them was easy because, and it feels easy because it, it is. It's who I am. It's me. I'm just talking about myself, really. 

[00:18:16] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, literally.

[00:18:17] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah. And I think that kind of bringing your two worlds together, it's not that you had this huge pivot. Like you didn't, you know, you kept the same Instagram. You, yes, we changed, um, niche and ideal client completely, but like there was, there wasn't much, you didn't go from selling socks to selling washing machines, like it was quite contained into, you know, The, the message and the embodiment that you were getting across.

[00:18:42] Rebecca Haydon: And I think that really helped, didn't it? In the way that you get, you got to keep all of that. You got to keep the bits that you loved from the old business and actually now then go forth and kind of flourish this one that you have now. So we made the switch. We put things in place, and then you launched, and you sold out.

[00:19:06] Caroline Copp: That went well, yeah. That went really well, yeah. Yeah, it was a, um, it was fast, wasn't it? 

[00:19:12] Rebecca Haydon: The fastest sell out of a launch I've ever experienced. It was 

[00:19:16] Caroline Copp: really fast. The thing was, I was so clear, like crystal clear on who it was I was after. So it was, I think it was like mid April that I made the decision.

[00:19:25] Caroline Copp: And by beginning of June, I, I sort of started launch, I'd already launched and sold a, a course. And it was because I was, I was totally fearless about who I spoke to about. So bearing, bearing in mind, I didn't have an audience of teachers really. So it was, it was going after a new audience. Very, very fast, but I was talking to everybody.

[00:19:47] Caroline Copp: Like I was going back through my, you know, diary of people I'd worked with or who had taught me 20 years ago. I was talking to my next door neighbor. Like my yoga teacher was one of my first clients. Like, whereas before I'd always been quite low key about my work and, you know, people would say, Oh, how's work?

[00:20:03] Caroline Copp: And I just kind of. Almost brush it off. Like I didn't want to say too much, whereas now, and then I was like, I'm just going to tell anybody and everybody, and someone will know someone because I was always being asked about it. You know, people would always say, well, can I pick your brains about building a business online, or can we grab a cuppa and I can just ask you a few questions.

[00:20:22] Caroline Copp: So when those people were asking me and suddenly more people started asking me, it was weird. It's like this. It was 

[00:20:28] Rebecca Haydon: very aligned, wasn't it? Yeah, 

[00:20:30] Caroline Copp: range alignment happened to the stars. Yeah. Suddenly people, you know, my, like I said, about my yoga teacher, she asked me after class and I was like, well, actually, I'm considering building a course about this.

[00:20:41] Caroline Copp: Would you like to be one of the first people? And so I was, I was literally telling everybody. And so, yeah, within, within, I think it was about a six week turnaround, the course sold out and it was, yeah, it was incredible and it was an incredible group of people to work with because I already knew them, so, or most of them, not all of them, but lots of them I already knew, so it felt very comfortable.

[00:21:02] Caroline Copp: I did it as a kind of founder launch so that I didn't feel under any particular pressure to make it perfect. It was like a come along, it's a slightly cheaper price, but you will get the best of me. I'll give you everything I've got. You can ask me as many questions as you want. And my, you know, in return, I just really love you to succeed and give me a great testimonial.

[00:21:22] Caroline Copp: And it worked, it worked, it worked brilliantly. So that was, that was the starting point. 

[00:21:27] Rebecca Haydon: It was the absolute starting point. And I think it goes like kind of going back to what you were speaking about before, like prior to us making the shift and you making the shift in the business, you wouldn't reach out.

[00:21:38] Rebecca Haydon: You wouldn't want to, but it was almost that burden. I remember doing a lot of subconscious work around the, well, if I ask them this, I've got to give them this back. And this whole like swipping swap of, you know, favors kind of thing, even when it wasn't a favor. And. You messaged me in Vox and you're like, yeah, yeah, I'm just having conversations with like 10 different people.

[00:21:58] Rebecca Haydon: And I was like, hang on, hang on a minute, this belief has definitely shifted. We've definitely moved out of this. And it was just that self belief in your, that trust and self belief, wasn't it? 

[00:22:12] Caroline Copp: It was, it was. And there was a lot of kind of, this has to work. I've just got to go after it. And I'm just going to give it everything I've got.

[00:22:19] Caroline Copp: And I really gave it everything I had. And I remember you saying to me, you know, you're in, I think you described it as the push, the push zone or something like that. Like we talked about that kind of climbing up the mountain and pushing up the hill and, and it felt like that. It really felt like that in my old business that I was always pushing.

[00:22:38] Caroline Copp: Whereas this felt like, it felt like that, but it felt. Like the, but like it was getting easier, like the more I push, the more momentum there was, whereas in the previous iteration of my business, it always felt like I was pushing against something. 

[00:22:54] Rebecca Haydon: Just constant. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that was the exercise that we did, you know, how you were like, I can't remember what I did with you, but this is, this is what I, this is actually what I did.

[00:23:03] Rebecca Haydon: So we, we actually looked at when you felt aligned in your life, some point. Whatever that was. And I got you to connect with that feeling. And then I got you to connect with something that you felt unaligned with. And then I got you to play out what the business would look like and how you would feel in that.

[00:23:19] Rebecca Haydon: And you were like, Oh my God, yes. Like, that's the feeling I want. And I think from that moment, you. You were able to take that feeling. And I just, I felt such, um, ease and lightness watching you. Cause I, I mean, I watch all my clients, like Mike Wazowski, I'm watching you. Um, I always send that GIF. Like I watch you all the time because I'm obviously, you know, looking what's going on and then giving feedback or congratulating you or celebrating you.

[00:23:48] Rebecca Haydon: And I think the moment that you made that switch and you even went into that launch, Very different to the launches that you'd done in the first iteration of your business. It felt so easy. And I think so many people want that feeling. Did you feel that? Cause that's how I really received it. 

[00:24:08] Caroline Copp: Yeah, it felt very easy and really fun and really exciting.

[00:24:11] Caroline Copp: And, um, I felt Like just complete alignment. And I still do, I still feel exactly where this is exactly where I should be. Um, and, and it feels, and what's nice about that is that I still look at the gap. You know, I still, of course you always look ahead and think, you know, Oh, look at those people, they're doing amazing things.

[00:24:31] Caroline Copp: And instead of kind of feeling that sort of discontent around the gap and thinking, Oh God, like what, you know, how is that ever going to be possible? I don't feel that way anymore. Now I just feel like. It's a when, right? Like it's, it's happening. It's coming. It's just, you know, I just don't quite know exactly when, but it will happen.

[00:24:49] Caroline Copp: It's coming. 

[00:24:50] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah. And that belief and the trust in that too. 

[00:24:52] Caroline Copp: Yeah. I don't feel, I don't feel like there's this huge void between me and them anymore. It just feels like, okay, they're a bit ahead, but that's a good, that's fine. Like 

[00:25:00] Rebecca Haydon: I'll get there. 

[00:25:01] Caroline Copp: Yeah. Whereas I never felt that before. I never felt that. I never believed it.

[00:25:07] Caroline Copp: Whereas this, now I really do, like strong belief. And it's nice because you know what, I think we all have those mornings where we wake up in our businesses and just think, Oh my God, another day of like going after trying to find clients. And we all have that. But now, now I think after doing a lot of the mindset work with you, that feeling is amazing.

[00:25:27] Caroline Copp: I don't feel like it sits on me anymore. It's just like, uh, okay, it's six in the morning. You're going to feel a bit rubbish. You'll feel all right in an hour. And inevitably I get, I get to my desk or I work with a client and I, and I love it. 

[00:25:40] Rebecca Haydon: Move through it. 

[00:25:41] Caroline Copp: Yeah, absolutely. So it's not the business that's the problem anymore.

[00:25:44] Caroline Copp: Sometimes it's just, you know, a bad day. Being human. 

[00:25:47] Rebecca Haydon: And that's okay. We all get to be human. 

[00:25:50] Caroline Copp: Yeah, being human. Right, yeah. Whereas those days before would really sort of, not get me down, because I'm not particularly, I'm not really a dwell person, but, you know, they would, it would be much more regular and I wouldn't ever really be able to see where it, where it was going, you know, the idea of like, I'd always thought I'd love to write a book, but I thought, that's never going to happen.

[00:26:12] Caroline Copp: You know, I'd love to go on that wellness stage. Oh, that's never going to happen. Whereas now I think, well, if, if I want it to, you know, I'll just set the goal for it. 

[00:26:19] Rebecca Haydon: I love that. What would you say are some of the biggest wins you've had since? We're in your business with your mindset since we've worked together.

[00:26:29] Rebecca Haydon: I know there's been a lot since, since then, the ripples. 

[00:26:32] Caroline Copp: Oh, there's been loads. Yeah. So big, I mean, big wins. There's been, obviously my first course was a sellout and I've launched that three times since and they've all been sellouts and it's now, it's now evergreen and I deliver like a live element to it and it's.

[00:26:46] Caroline Copp: Really popular. I've got a launch this week, which I'm, you know, feeling really confident about and, and it doesn't feel like I'm selling. I just feel like I'm just telling people about it because they don't know. And as soon as they know they'll want to come in. So it's fine. It doesn't feel like selling.

[00:26:59] Caroline Copp: I've worked with, um, I can't think how many, but lots of one to ones now. Like 

[00:27:03] Rebecca Haydon: that was another big piece that we did kind of build in that house. 

[00:27:07] Caroline Copp: Yeah. And I've really loved that. I've got really clear boundaries over when I'm working and when I'm not and how that works. I've had some of my biggest selling months.

[00:27:16] Caroline Copp: Like ever, and actually December was my biggest month ever on record. And, you know, I'm from the world of wellness. Normally December is a complete dud. So it was so nice to go through Christmas and not feel this like, Oh my God. How am I going 

[00:27:33] Rebecca Haydon: to get through this? Not feel like, Oh God, everyone's gone off to eat mince pies and no one cares about what they look like.

[00:27:37] Rebecca Haydon:

[00:27:38] Caroline Copp: was, I mean, I was amazed. I think it was like the 12th of December. I did a launch, um, or I did a, um, like a collaboration with, with another I'm a teacher who teaches teachers and, and it was incredible. It worked really brilliantly. She got out of it what she wanted. I got out of it what I wanted. It was a lovely joining of kind of, um, audiences.

[00:27:56] Caroline Copp: So yeah, that worked really brilliantly. So it's just been like everything that's happened so far has gone really well. And so it almost feels like I need to, like the next goals I need to get, I've got quite clear on my, on this sort of next year and what that, what that means. what that looks like, but it's just now, now it's just all about growing it and going after the bigger, the bigger goals now.

[00:28:18] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, playing even bigger. And I think we spoke about that, didn't we? Like that seeing, I think just as our time was coming to kind of the end of Well, I went on maternity leave annoyingly, and then I really cried because everyone had to leave. But, just as our time was coming to an end. That's a good thing, we just might have stayed otherwise.

[00:28:37] Caroline Copp: You needed to kick us out. 

[00:28:39] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah. Uh, yeah, everyone would have, everyone would have been like, I'm going nowhere. Um, but I think like that kind of, The snowball hit the top of the mountain, it's rolled and rolled and rolled, and you've picked up so much momentum, which is amazing. And kind of the fact that you can hold all of that and hold all of that sex, the success, and then go, right, let's play even bigger.

[00:29:01] Rebecca Haydon: I just love that. I absolutely love that. And I always remember you saying it's about this. Quiet confidence that I had in you. I know that was a big conversation that we had. And I know that kind of comes hand in hand with the permission, but I just always remember you saying that it's just like this very quiet confidence that I had in you that allowed you to, to step into that.

[00:29:25] Rebecca Haydon: Do you mind talking into that a bit? 

[00:29:27] Caroline Copp: Yeah, I know. I think that's a big thing and that is, and that does, it does set into the permission piece. I think, I think I have a need. For external validation. And I think like, I need. I need to know, I guess that's like a love language, isn't it? I need to know that other people think it's okay too and other people think it's good and that goes back to, you know, all sorts of different reasons.

[00:29:52] Caroline Copp: But 

[00:29:52] Rebecca Haydon: we did work on that. 

[00:29:53] Caroline Copp: Yeah, we did, we did work, we definitely did work on it. I mean, I definitely think there's always more to do on that for me because I sit into that people pleasing category and so there is always work to do on that. Um, but yeah, the, the, the confidence that you had gave me confidence.

[00:30:10] Caroline Copp: And, and again, it gave me permission, but it gave me bravery. Like I was suddenly able to go, okay, I can be the person that she thinks I am. Because it, it, it's almost like you put on a, you just dress up. And I hate the phrase, fake it till you make it, because that's not it. It's like you put on an outfit and it just makes you stand a bit taller.

[00:30:30] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah. Just like shifts your state, doesn't it? 

[00:30:33] Caroline Copp: Yeah. I'd try your confidence on for size and it, and it, You know, and you sort of see if it fits and, and that felt nice to have that person in your corner telling you that it's okay, that this is good, you're doing a good thing, it's working, it's, you know, it's going in the right direction.

[00:30:49] Caroline Copp: And I think that, that was a big part of it, a big part of it, being able to wear your confidence whilst I find my own. Like, yeah, and that was, that was huge. That really was huge. And I, and I still feel that, and I still feel that even now. So yeah, I love that. And like you say, you know, you're not, you're not lying when you say you are, you are in the DMs and I love that, you know, anything that happens and I put it on Instagram and Beck's in there like, well done, yeah, yeah.

[00:31:17] Caroline Copp: So that's, that's really amazing. And I love that. And I've taken exactly that into My relationship with my clients, because I just think that was such a big part of our relationship, that kind of, um, cheerleading. And, and I, so I've really tried to bring that into, into my work as well, because I think that's been massive for me.

[00:31:35] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, I love that. If someone was in the position that you were in prior to us working together and they were thinking about it, what would you say to them? 

[00:31:44] Caroline Copp: Oh, well, I don't, I think it's a no brainer really. I do think that obviously work with Beck. I think I would always say, yeah, absolutely get coaching and get coaching with Beck.

[00:31:54] Caroline Copp: I think when, when we finished working together, I found it really hard to pinpoint the mindset stuff. Like what was it? Yeah. That what, and I still find that now. And yet what I do notice is less about how, how it happened. And what I noticed is the outcome of what happened. Like, I can't really figure out what you did exactly, but I can, I can see it in myself, like I'll get a moment of doubt and I quickly, I quickly shift out of it.

[00:32:23] Caroline Copp: And there was one thing that you did that was absolutely like mind blowing to me. Like you, you sent me a, um. One of your meditations or, you know, the, um, I can't think what you call them, but one of your voice notes. And it said about a color. You'd asked me to choose a color. And you'd said in, in this thing, every time you feel a sense of doubt, find the color in the room.

[00:32:45] Caroline Copp: And for me, it was, I think it was yellow at the time, bright yellow. And at that point I was launching and, and honestly, every 15 minutes, I was wanting to throw it all away and doubting it. And, you know, wanted to shut down the computer and run away from it. And so I kept finding that color and, and it was brilliant because it was so simple, but it just distracted me.

[00:33:04] Caroline Copp: So I'd been thinking, Oh God, this is rubbish. And then I'd think about yellow, yellow, yellow, and I'd look. And by the time I'd found it, it was okay again. And I, and I've taken that into everything. Like when I'm in the gym and I've got to do a certain amount of reps, I'm, you know, after 45 seconds, I'm like, where's the yellow?

[00:33:20] Caroline Copp: So it's quite like, things like that would like, Absolutely, like simple, but transformational. And I, and I, like I say, I don't know the rest of the stuff. I don't really know what the magic was, but I, I notice it all the time, like changes in my mindset and my belief that's just completely shifted the game for me.

[00:33:42] Caroline Copp: So what would I say? I mean, God, I would say do whatever you need to do to work with it. Make it happen. 

[00:33:48] Rebecca Haydon: Make it happen. And I think that's the powerful thing with the mindset. I think like, but you know, before I ever do any of these interviews, I go back on what you put in the hypnosis tracks when we were like way back in the day, or what you first put in your pre session questionnaires.

[00:34:04] Rebecca Haydon: And I kind of go back and I'm like, wow, like you were thinking that at that time. And it seems mind blowing now that those were even your thoughts because you're that far from those. You're like so far from having those kind of limiting beliefs anymore. And I think because we do the work kind of in session, but I think Voxer was really helpful for you to kind of chat through in the moment as well.

[00:34:27] Rebecca Haydon: It happens so subconsciously that that did happen for you. It just kind of naturally became. Your reality. And I mean, that's what I love the most about the work is that it wasn't like, well, on session three, we got rid of this. And on session five, we did that. It just was a collection of magic that allowed you to go and do the things, you know, like put the podcast out and do the launch and completely shift the business and know that no one was judging you.

[00:34:56] Rebecca Haydon: In fact, look at what's happened from it. And I think that was just so, I saw that so much in you and our time together. Because you were already very confident, you were already showing up. You were already, you were already doing all the things. It was just, it wasn't aligned. And to see that shift and to watch you now, like, that's why I celebrate you so much in the DMs.

[00:35:15] Rebecca Haydon: Some, like in December, I was like, I can't message her again. Cause it's like, 

[00:35:20] Caroline Copp: it was 

[00:35:21] Rebecca Haydon: only yesterday that I messaged her. Do you know what I mean? But, but really like, it was just so powerful to see what happens when you believe in yourself. And I truly think that that was the crux. of our time together. 

[00:35:34] Caroline Copp: I think that was the crux.

[00:35:36] Caroline Copp: I do think that was it because I think I'm not overly interested in the kind of, I suppose, the wooey side of, you know, of this and mindset and, and yet, so, so things like our timeline therapy sessions, like they, they were never my favorite. They weren't the ones I looked forward to. I'd far rather talk strategy, but they were the ones really that had the, you know, the impact.

[00:35:58] Caroline Copp: It was almost like I was doing the things that I needed to do rather than things I wanted to do. So I was out of my comfort zone entirely. Um, and you know, doing the hypnosis and, and, but also I guess the other thing is just, you've just got to throw yourself in, haven't you? Like if you're going to invest in working with Beck, you've got to just do it.

[00:36:17] Caroline Copp: Be all in, be coachable. And I always say that that's one thing I will be. I will be as coachable. I'll do what you tell me to do. Just tell me how to do it and I'll do it. And that really, that really worked when we worked together because I was able to just, you know, ask you, tell me what's next and you, and you could give me that, that sort of support.

[00:36:36] Caroline Copp: That was brilliant. Loved it. 

[00:36:37] Rebecca Haydon: Absolutely. If you could sum it I loved it. I want to do it again. I'm coming back. You want to come back, come back. If you could sum up our time together in one word, what would it be? 

[00:36:49] Caroline Copp: Okay. So I have thought about this and my obvious word is transformational, but I think that's too simple.

[00:36:55] Caroline Copp: I think the, the big change is, um, For me was bravery. It was borrowing, borrowing your confidence, borrowing your bravery, um, and seeing how you run your business. And I think that's part of it is modeling the person that, that you are working with and seeing how effortless you made it look and how enjoyable, you know, I think when we were working together, you launched from New York and, um, like you were doing all these incredible things.

[00:37:21] Caroline Copp: And I think there was a bit of, um, you kind of made it so that that was Possible for me. Like you made, you made me go, okay, this is, maybe I can do it that way. I can make it easy. And so you gave me the bravery to have a go and try. And, um, and it's really worked. It really has. Um, yeah, so yeah, definitely bravery.

[00:37:42] Caroline Copp: You made me brave. 

[00:37:43] Rebecca Haydon: I love, oh gosh, it was such a good time. I cannot wait to do it again.

[00:37:51] Rebecca Haydon: But let's get into it. Segue on to you because, you know, we've talked about the business shift and, and, and all of the bits, and we've kind of been a bit cryptical with it as we went, but let's dive into what you do, who you help and what the kind of vision for the business is moving forward. So. 

[00:38:12] Caroline Copp: So I am, as I said, I'm a Pilates teacher of 20 years and I've spent about 10 years, no less than that, six years building a digital version of my business.

[00:38:20] Caroline Copp: So now I work with wellness experts to do the same. So the people I work with are usually women, but not always women. Um, and they tend to be, they're in wellness in some formats. So they might be teachers, coaches, experts. I work with a lot of Pilates teachers because like attracts like, I guess. And I help them to identify what they would like a digital offering to look like, if it's possible for them and their business.

[00:38:45] Caroline Copp: Usually they are quite ambitious women, they often come from a corporate background, so they might have had the kind of A type perfectionist personality, so they are nervous of doing this on their own, because they want it to be perfect. So they usually come to me for that bit of support, and I run a digital program called the Digital Course Creator, where we identify their course.

[00:39:07] Caroline Copp: Um, topic, uh, we take them through the beta founder launch. Um, so they get something up and running and out to their audience. And the whole idea behind it is that in wellness, anyone listening to this in wellness will know you are restricted by time for money. You cannot scale. And I tried it all. I, I had studios, I've employed teachers, I've done it all.

[00:39:28] Caroline Copp: to try and scale. And you are always capped, whether you believe it or not, you are always capped by how many people you can work with in a week. And that always frustrated me. So, and, and also, you know, I'm 44 and I wanted something that gave me a bit more freedom. I didn't always want to be trading my time for money.

[00:39:46] Caroline Copp: I wanted something where I could earn money from the beach. Like, you know, that was the, That was really part of it. I want to, I have a plan. My kids are growing up. I want to be able to live abroad, work abroad. Um, so there was like a destination that I wanted to get to that I couldn't get to by teaching.

[00:40:01] Caroline Copp: So, so that was the whole crux of trying to do it myself and now because I love that world, I now help other people do the same. So they can do it via the course or they can do it with me one to one and I love that. 

[00:40:13] Rebecca Haydon: So good. So good. And I think that's the, the whole aspect of the kind of frustration behind that industry, isn't it?

[00:40:20] Rebecca Haydon: Is that they're so passionate. I mean, I used to be a yoga teacher, so I know, and a personal trainer. So I kind of know the feeling of you are capped, you know, when I taught Zumba, you could have 30 people in the room, but you'd have to do it a hundred times to earn the amount that you wanted to do and evenings and weekends.

[00:40:38] Rebecca Haydon: And you kind of, you're kind of capped to when the people could be there. Can come, right? 

[00:40:43] Caroline Copp: Yeah. Yeah. It's anti social hours and you'll find your, you know, people in wellness go into wellness because they, they really want to help people. So usually they've discovered some kind of, you know, transformational, uh, thing themselves, and they want to teach that to people.

[00:40:57] Caroline Copp: So they will do whatever it takes to fit someone in, you know, midday on a Saturday, even when they've got their own family at home waiting for them, like they will do whatever it takes. And I think what I love about having a digital product, isn't that you. Need to give that up because I still teach and I don't ever intend to stop teaching.

[00:41:15] Caroline Copp: I now choose my favorite clients and I teach at the times that suit me. I do one evening and one morning and one morning in a studio. And, and I work with my absolute dreamy favorite clients that I can help the most, um, who will be with me forever. You know, these are my kind of long term 

[00:41:32] Rebecca Haydon: Do or die. 

[00:41:33] Caroline Copp: Yeah.

[00:41:33] Caroline Copp: So I, and so I think it's about being able to choose. And I think that's what you lose when you're in wellness is that you sacrifice your own life and your own wellness for the benefit of others. And although it's very worthy, it's not always the best for our own wellness. The irony is huge. So, so I think, I think having a digital product is a really great way of supplementing that.

[00:41:56] Caroline Copp: And also there is a desire often with wellness experts to so much for joining us today, and we hope that you'll join us again next week for a new episode of The Real Talk, where we're going to be talking to some of the experts to have a bit more impact, not just on the people they work with, but in the industry, you know, there's so many experts that have been working in this for years, they really know their stuff, they're experts at what they do, but they are in a village hall in a small town, you know, every Saturday morning, and that's as far as their impact goes, and those people should be out there, there are experts.

[00:42:18] Caroline Copp: Bye bye. So many people out there doing a worse job than them, but with bigger followings that I want to get some decent experts out there who know what they're talking about. And they're out there, they just need, they just need the push that I had. I 

[00:42:30] Rebecca Haydon: love that drive, that value of the business. It's amazing.

[00:42:33] Rebecca Haydon: And I think that's the sort of person that you're really attracted, isn't it? It's the people who want. bigger than the village hall, not that there's anything wrong with the village hall, but like bigger than and, and put their, put their stamp on it. What do you, how do you get to, how do you get in their brains to understand what the digital product then becomes?

[00:42:52] Caroline Copp: So we look at, we look at a few things. So obviously there's an element of niching, but really once you've discovered or decided on the kind of the type of person you want to work with, what the problem. You wanna solve is we then look at three important things. So the first one is the, the problem that they can solve, and is it a problem that needs solving?

[00:43:12] Caroline Copp: Because often experts create something in their head and then they, they go out there and realize no one wants it. So it's making sure that problem is validated. And then, then there's the pricing issue. So it has to be something that people will pay for. Um. So there has to be a difference between what you're offering and what's available on YouTube.

[00:43:29] Caroline Copp: So we have to make sure that that's viable. Um, and then finally, it has to be a passion, because as I know, it's very easy to create a business that in five years time you won't be in love with anymore. So making sure that you come at it from the perspective of What do I really love doing? And how can, because you can love what you do, you really can have passion about the people you work with and the people you help.

[00:43:53] Caroline Copp: So it's making sure those three things are in alignment, that you can make money from it, that it solves a problem and that you enjoy it. And that's how we kind of find the sweet spot of what they're going to sell. 

[00:44:02] Rebecca Haydon: I love that. I bet, I bet they like, I bet they come in and they're like, what is this world?

[00:44:07] Rebecca Haydon: Yeah, 

[00:44:08] Caroline Copp: exactly. Absolutely. And it, and what I usually find is it takes about three or four weeks of working with someone initially for them to kind of get their heads right. They get scrambled first and then it kind of, it comes through the, we follow the thread and. And I think that's why it's useful to work with somebody because you can get stuck in niching and you can spend years trying to find a niche.

[00:44:30] Caroline Copp: I know I've worked with people now that have been trying to do this for sort of 10 years and they just haven't sort of settled on a niche. So it's about making a decision. It's about kind of, you know, Will I be disappointed if I don't do it? You know, that can kind of help to make that final decision.

[00:44:46] Caroline Copp: And that's certainly what it was like for me. Um, and following, following the thread of when those three things come together, what does that look like? And what, what could that be? And then again, it's about giving people that confidence because wellness experts notoriously undercharge. So it's giving people that confidence to, um, build something that is worth something to their clients and to them.

[00:45:07] Caroline Copp: So yeah, it's, it's really fun and just work with such great people. 

[00:45:12] Rebecca Haydon: I can just see the passion in your face and the love that you have for it. It makes me so happy and even more happier that you took the leap and shifted. 

[00:45:23] Caroline Copp: Absolutely. Yeah. Best move, best move I've ever made in my business, 100%. I think 

[00:45:28] Rebecca Haydon: so.

[00:45:28] Rebecca Haydon: So where can people find you? Where can people follow? 

[00:45:31] Caroline Copp: So I'm at carolinecopp everywhere. So, uh, website is carolinecopp. co. uk and Instagram is at carolinecopp and that's C O double B. 

[00:45:39] Rebecca Haydon: There you go. I'll pop it in the show notes anyway, but go and say hello. And if you are listening and you're a wellness expert that doesn't currently have a digital business, I fully recommend, fully recommend.

[00:45:54] Rebecca Haydon: Thank you so much. I have loved today. I think more than anything, I just love reflecting back on the magic that happened, I think more so than anything. 

[00:46:03] Caroline Copp: Yeah. It's really nice to have a look back and reminisce. 

[00:46:06] Rebecca Haydon: And where you are now. So I know it's only on the way up and there's more things to celebrate.

[00:46:12] Rebecca Haydon: So I'm very, very excited for you this year. And thank you for letting us in to your experience of our time together. Amazing. Thank you for having me. I'm honored to be here. My pleasure. My pleasure. I'll see everyone in the next episode. I love you all. Bye. I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week.

[00:46:34] Rebecca Haydon: So, whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favourite episode, reviewing the podcast, and of course, that juicy 5 star rating. These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you. Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon.

[00:47:04] Rebecca Haydon: com. I'll see you there.


More about The Subconscious Expert:

Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!


Change the Way You Think About Comparison Forever [ep. #220]


How I Built a Scalable Business That Makes Money Daily (Even While on Maternity Leave) [ep. #218]