The Seven Subconscious Traits of Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs [ep. #186]

The Seven Subconscious Traits of Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs

Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!

It's finally happening! I'm super excited to welcome you to The Subconscious Expert podcast! I'm your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert, and in today's episode, I'm sharing with you the seven traits of successful entrepreneurs. 

I'm here to guide you through a journey to your seven-figure business that begins in your subconscious mind. We're kicking off July with a bang, introducing a challenge exclusively for my podcast listeners that will help you reshape your business mindset. You'll discover how to harness a wealth mindset, cultivate unshakeable self-belief, and radiate magnetic energy naturally. 

But that's not all – I've got strategies, tips, and personal insights lined up, ready to move you towards your seven-figure dreams. So, are you ready to step into your power and align your subconscious with your business goals? Tune in, participate in our exclusive July challenge to win 1:1 time with me or a VIP Voxer day with me, and let's turn those sparkling CEO dreams into reality.


Topics covered on The Seven Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs:

  1. Exclusive July challenge to become the best subconscious version of yourself in business.

  2. Do you want to win a 1:1 or VIP Voxer day with me? Here's how!

  3. What are the seven traits of successful entrepreneurs that you can adopt?

  4. How does a wealth mindset impact your ability to grow and sustain your business?

  5. Developing deep-rooted self-belief.

  6. How can you make selling in your business as natural as brushing your teeth?

  7. Which needle-moving activities should you focus on in your business?

  8. How to navigate the ups and downs in your business.

  9. What role does vision clarity play in your long-term goals?

  10. Expand your capacity to hold more success, wealth, and growth in all aspects of your business.


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Resources mentioned in this episode:



“You have to train your audience that you sell. If you don't train your audience that you sell, they're literally here to watch your free content and that's okay if that's what you want, but you're running a business at the end of the day.” - Rebecca Haydon


Transcription: Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!

[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before and I will say it a hundred times again. Your business cannot outgrow your mindset. And if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.

[00:00:26] So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve.

[00:00:31] Hello, hello, hello, beautiful lady, and welcome to The Subconscious Expert. That feels so powerful to say. Welcome to the next iteration of this podcast, welcome to the next iteration of Rebecca Haydon, and Oh my god, where we are going with the business, with the podcast from here, truly is Mind blowing. It is vision board extravaganza, and we're kicking it off for July with an absolute bang.

[00:01:14] I am so excited that you're here. Welcome to the Subconscious Expert. Oh my God. And we're actually kicking off the whole change of name, and obviously I'm gonna be speaking about all the same things that I was speaking about on Higher Self I. Um, it is the same podcast, after all. You are still here on a Tuesday at 8.

[00:01:38] Everything is remaining exactly the same, apart from the name and the concept, but it truly just aligns so much with not only the person that I've become over the last six months, really, really, in 2024, but really where I'm taking the business from 2025 onwards. Oh my god, I can't get over it. I hope you can tell that I'm very excited, but we are here.

[00:02:05] With the Subconscious Expert podcast, and for the whole of July, I am setting the podcast up with its own challenge. Becoming your best subconscious self in your business. Claiming your best self. Your next subconscious level in your business is the focus for July, because that is what I'm here to do for you.

[00:02:32] And this challenge that we're doing on the podcast is for the podcast alone. So this is not going to be on social media, it's not going to be anywhere else, it is literally a challenge for my podcast listeners, for you. I want to tell you how to use the challenge. So, for the whole of July, the focus of the podcast is about becoming your best subconscious self in your business.

[00:02:59] Claiming that next subconscious level in your business. So, all the podcasts are going to be really wired towards this. And this alone. But equally, there is going to be a couple of things that I'm going to be challenging you on. There might be a couple of secret drops every now and again. Um, there's going to be challenges inside the podcast and also challenges to actually win a 45 minute subconscious rewiring one to one with myself.

[00:03:30] Or, a day VIP Voxer experience with me too. So, I want to let you know, over the whole of July, not only are you going to be challenged, but you can join into the podcast challenge as well. So, this is how I want you to use the July challenge. So, first things first, I want you to give the podcast a cheeky little review.

[00:03:58] Little five star if you're there. Um, and screenshot it and send it, DM me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore. This will be in the show notes as well if you don't want to make notes of what to do here. And if you've given the podcast a rating, review, um, And sent me the screenshot of it, you will go into the draw of winning a free 45 minute subconscious one to one with me.

[00:04:23] My usual 90 minutes is 500 for the subconscious breakthrough that I do, so it is an absolute no brainer. If you want a deep dive, 40 minute deep dive, into reprogramming your subconscious with me, for free, that is your number one that you need to do. So give the podcast a review, screenshot it, send it to me on Instagram, and then you'll go into the little wheel of wheels that they do on Instagram to choose the name, to be in the running of winning that.

[00:04:53] The second thing, if you want to do both of these or just one of them, completely up to you. I want you to share the episode, one of the episodes, for July, or an episode that you've been listening to, in your Instagram stories. Tag me, at, underscore, Rebecca Haydon, underscore, throughout the month, so this is until July 31st, this will be running.

[00:05:14] And each time, so you can do it more than once, each time, you share, You'll get, again, entered in to win a VIP Voxer Day with me, and I think Voxer, I go on about it all the time, is such, the, the breakthroughs that we can have in Voxer, oh, they are chef's kiss. So, these two little things that I want you to do to be part of the challenge, again, I'm challenging your subconscious anyway, but these two things that I want you to do, is give the podcast a review, screenshot it, send me a DM of the review, and you go into the draw for a free 45 minute one to one with me.

[00:05:52] And then secondly, if you want to do this as well, or just on its own, share the episode of your choice, whether it's an episode in July, or whether it's an episode from the last four years of the podcast, celebrating. Tag me on Instagram, uh, throughout the throughout the month till July 31st, and You will be in the running of a VIP Voxer day with me.

[00:06:17] So, kicking off the Subconscious Expert podcast, we are looking at how subconscious work helps your bloody business. Because I am your subconscious expert, you see, hence the title. I have been called it many a times, I know it for myself, I really am truly, A subconscious queen. And I cannot wait to support you so deep in your subconscious work, in the subconscious breakthroughs, in your subconscious maintenance.

[00:06:51] And, let's talk about it. Let's talk about how it relates to business. Because our subconscious, our beliefs, our patterns, many of which are subconscious, are significantly impacting our business and how we show up. And, there are seven things That I have truly seen within very successful business owners, very sustainable successful business owners, that either sustain or grow very quickly.

[00:07:25] And I wanted to talk into those today, into these seven. Now, let's get started. I actually have a free download that I want you to go and get from the show notes, the link will be there, which is the PDF version of, well, very more in depth than what I'm talking about on today's podcast, but it really goes into these seven traits.

[00:07:48] And they really are the seven subconscious rewirers to seven figures. Because I have been watching And modeling and pretty much reviewing very successful entrepreneurs for, for a couple of years now, more so in the last six months, because I find it so incredibly powerful for me to really be observing of them.

[00:08:20] And these are the seven traits that I've seen across a lot of them. And I've been doing a lot of research. I've been doing a lot of. Watching. I can't think of the word right now. Observing. I've been doing a lot of observing. And these seven traits really are the through line of them being successful. And if you were to bring in those seven traits, which I have done myself and well on the way to seven figures, I truly believe that these are the nooks and crannies of the foundations of success.

[00:08:56] So, the seven. We have Wealth Mindset, Deep Rooted Self Belief, Magnetic Energy Selling, Aligned Needle Moving Activities Actions, Business Resilience Adaptability, Vision Clarity Expanded Capacity. And these 7 really encompass the 7 shifts to 7 figures. Which is exactly what you get in the freebie, and you can literally download it.

[00:09:34] I go through the belief changes, I go through what I see working, uh, how you can start to shift, shift in the zip. Absolute load of journal prompts in there so you can start to shift into this too. 

[00:09:47] So, let's talk into number one. Wealth Mindset. Business brings a lot of money mindset up, right? Because we are running a business where money, is a thing that we have to talk about and money is something that we have to address and we have to feel safe in and we have to regulate our nervous system towards it and a lot of Very successful entrepreneurs, and this I want to tell you here, I actually look more at entrepreneurs that are outside the business coach industry.

[00:10:27] I do ha I have worked with and have examples of a lot of 7, 8 figure entrepreneurs. business coaches, but I've looked further afield into entrepreneurs in general. Jim Shark, um, Tarla, like there's a lot of different businesses that I've been looking into on how they operate with themselves. Stephen Bartlett, you know the drill.

[00:10:50] And the wealth mindset that they have truly is so deeply rooted in the beliefs that they have around money and It's not a lack. It's not a lack of belief that I see, because their ability to hold and sustain wealth and to create wealth, more wealth, whatever that looks like, is not down to the programming that they were brought up with when they were six years old.

[00:11:25] And even if some of them, for example, Stephen Bartlett, didn't have the best childhood growing up, he did work on shifting the narrative around making and having money. It really does come down to what you believe and perceive money to be, and how it feels making it, how it feels holding it, how it feels sustaining it, that has such an impact on whether you grow the business or not.

[00:11:55] Secondly, deep, rooted self belief. I've talked about this on the podcast so many times, but it truly is this kind of, like, undeniable self belief that they have in themselves, and I always used to not have much self belief in myself, if I'm honest, especially in the performing arts industry, and I was very talented.

[00:12:20] Looking back now, um, the, the way that I performed and the kind of, it was more my energy than anything. I was very talented, I was a very talented dancer, I was a very talented singer, I was a very talented actor anyway. But my energy, which I know comes across in business as well, used to do a lot of the selling for me.

[00:12:41] However, the belief that I didn't have in myself would kind of diminish that powerful sunshine energy that I have as a human, and it would make me not stand out. And when I came into business, I very quickly learnt that it was exactly the same. And I wasn't willing to have another one of my passions fall to the wayside because of the belief that I didn't have in myself.

[00:13:09] Because that was literally Hand on my heart, that was the reason why I didn't quote unquote make it in the performing arts industry, is because I didn't believe in myself. So when I didn't believe in myself, the way I sung, the way I performed, the way I put myself out there, the industry is a lot about who you know.

[00:13:27] It's about networking, it's about being in the right place at the right time, and because I didn't have this deep rooted self belief, I didn't put myself forward, I didn't network, I didn't do the things that I should have been doing to get there. I was trying to make it come to me, and sometimes that doesn't happen.

[00:13:43] Sometimes we have to put ourself into the light for the light to find us. And I think, like, when I came into business and I saw the difference of, like, wow, this is very much the exactly the same, because you are selling yourself to an extent in business, especially if you're a personal brand. You are selling yourself.

[00:14:03] Standing as yourself. Selling yourself. I don't know you're selling a service, but it's you that's delivering the service. And if that self belief isn't there, what are they buying into? Unless you have this stellar st st stellar, put my teeth back in. Stellar service that they can't help but live without, it's, it has to, like, they have to invest in it.

[00:14:27] If it's a quote unquote nice to have investment, you need to have the belief in yourself for them to believe in you, that they, that you can make the changes for them or that you can help them and guide them into the change. And when I look at these very successful 8 figure, you know, multi millionaires, it's the belief that they had in themselves and the belief that they had in their mission.

[00:14:55] The belief that they had in the purpose of them being here and that was the through line to all of the ups and the downs and the resistance and the challenges and the setbacks. It was their ability to pick themselves up back, back up again and go, No, because I believe in myself. Like, this is going to happen.

[00:15:17] And I see so many entrepreneurs not have that belief, and therefore, with any challenges and any setbacks, There's no belief there to sustain it. There's no belief there to hold yourself in it. And I think probably out of the seven, that is probably one of the deepest ones that you can work on. The most important ones for you to work on is that deep rooted self belief, and that comes from your subconscious programming.

[00:15:47] I definitely learned it. Hell yes, I did. 

[00:15:50] The third thing that I see is this magnetic energy and selling. Because when we're scaling our business You cannot be afraid of selling every day. You cannot, you know, go into the, it's okay, I'll just give some educational content, I'll just keep giving, and giving, and giving, which is fine, you can give, and give, and give, but you can sell, and sell, and sell at the same time, simultaneously, and you're not afraid to sell.

[00:16:19] Because, again, the self rooted, the deep rooted self belief and the wealth mindset allows you to go, You know what? These people need this. My people need this, and they're here for me to deliver it to them. So selling becomes an absolute ease. It really does. Like, the ease that I have with selling is the ease that I have brushing my teeth.

[00:16:44] The ease that I have having a shower. Like, it is such a subconscious habit of mine now, that I have such ease with, that allows me to sell day in, day out, wherever I am. Whether it's the podcast, like any scope of my business. And, it really does. You have to have that subconscious programming, habitual, I do believe, but also from like a foundational subconscious point of view, to be able to sell and be in that magnetic energy, and that comes down to your energetics, it comes down to the thoughts and the feelings.

[00:17:21] And the beliefs that you have behind what you're selling, and how that feels, and how you know that people are ready to buy, and ready to listen, and ready to purchase at any given time, and it doesn't stop you, and it doesn't hold you back. And I see that so often. They move so quickly, um, They move so quickly, and I think that was one thing that I really, really learnt over the last year.

[00:17:46] And I had people be like, Christ, Bec, like, I'm tired of watching you launch, surely you're tired. And I'm like, no, I'm having the best time, I'm, I'm in the momentum, I'm moving so quickly. That the momentum is, like, carrying this, this fire within me, and it really, it really allows you to get so comfortable with selling.

[00:18:09] You know, a lot of the time, I'll have clients be like, Oh, didn't hit my goals for May, and I'm like, okay, well let's have a look at how much you sold. Did you? You know, when was the last time you sold? When was the last time you talked about your services? All of this, such standard things, such standard thing in business, but you have to train your audience that you sell and if you don't train your audience that you sell, they're literally here to watch your free content and that's okay if that's what you want, but you're running a business at the end of the day.

[00:18:38] Four is the Aligned Needle Moving Action. Um, and I speak about a lot about having the foundations in your business and being, uh, feeling safe that you can take on more capacity, which is one of the things that I want to talk about today, but having the kind of needle moving activities and knowing what to push in your business that, that bring in more clients, that produce more leads, that.

[00:19:07] works, and then having the ability and the curiosity to be able to go, okay, where can I turn this off? Like, I had a really big realization yesterday, and I was like, shit, that makes sense, let me get curious at that. And I did, switched, changed, and now implementation is happening. And I think like, being able to understand what the needle moving activities are in your business, but to get curious of the action around it, and to be really disciplined and And dedicated to the action.

[00:19:36] You know, a lot of very successful entrepreneurs are very disciplined. Very disciplined within themselves, within their health habits, within their lifestyle habits. We're definitely in their business. Discipline and learning the art of discipline and allowing your subconscious to allow you to be disciplined is really, really powerful.

[00:20:02] And this keeps you in the needle moving activities because it's quite easy for that to slip or for you to go back into old habits or get so busy with other things that you don't sell on that day. Whatever that looks like. I think like having this subconscious foundation behind the needle moving action in your business is really important.

[00:20:22] Number five is business resilience and adapt, adaptability. Put my teeth back in. I really need some new teeth today. I'm slipping over every word. Um, but the business resilience and adaptability. Having business resilience, I think for me, especially when I'm watching people, is not every business decision, or choice, or launch, or whatever that is.

[00:20:51] is going to go 100 percent the way that you think it's going to go. Like, there's going to be challenges or setbacks or things happen in life, and being able to be okay with that and be okay with still showing up in whatever way that it works for you at that time, to be able to know that this isn't, you know, you don't make it mean anything about you as an identity, being able to get curious, being able to be the observer, And having that resilience to go, hell no, like, this is not gonna beat me, this is not gonna make me think something about myself, I think is a really, really, really crucial factor in people's success, in my success, most definitely.

[00:21:31] And being able to question, and, really understand and, like, not make it this story. You know, I have a lot of people where they're like, and then my laptop broke, and then it must have been a sign from the universe. It's like, no, you your fucking laptop broke and that's that. Like, what can we do about it to move forward?

[00:21:51] How can we get curious? Rather than playing into these big stories, which I know is such a It's such a narrative that I see in the entrepreneur space, especially with, um, and this isn't me shitting on any of these, like, Because I love them too, but like, human design and astrology and like, all of these things, Mercury fucking retrograde, you know, all of these things that, yes, I completely love them, I love the tools that they give you and I love the understanding that they give you, but a lot of the time I see a lot of people using it as, probably as an excuse as to why they're not moving forwards.

[00:22:31] And I know sometimes that's a little bit like, oof, she went there, she said that, but A lot of it is like a story that you're believing, and it might not be the story that's actually serving you. Sometimes, you know, especially with human design, like, there's things in there where I'm like, Oh yeah, I can flex this a little bit more, or maybe I don't do this.

[00:22:51] Like, I can listen to my profile, I'm a generator, and kind of get really curious at it, but I don't let it run the business. I have it there as a tool that I can tap into, but it doesn't become the decider of how I show up. So yeah, business resilience. Always key. 

[00:23:07] Number six is the kind of clarity of their vision.

[00:23:11] And I think this comes down to the belief again. Again, all of these like literally knock, like a domino effect for everything. And I've put them in this particular, uh, pattern for a reason. Like I've put them in this particular order for a reason because I see them each kind of dominoing onto each other.

[00:23:28] But a lot of successful entrepreneurs have this big vision. For example, I have a very big vision. of where I'm taking the business in 2025, 2026. Now, that vision leads me so clearly that in 2024 of July of 2024, I can make a decision, for example, the change of name of the podcast and how that's slotting in to the next five years.

[00:23:55] And That is because I have subconsciously done the work on enabling myself to see and play that big and know that it's available for me so I can start making the moves now. And I have a lot of clients who come to me prior to us working together who say like, I can't see what my future will look like, or I can't kind of see what that's gonna be.

[00:24:19] And that's not me saying that you need to see what it looks like in ten years, because it might look very different, you know, life happens and things change. But sometimes it's the subconscious keeping you safe. With what it kind of wants you to see. And it will hide things from your visions. Like, it, you know, that definitely happened to me when I came back from Australia.

[00:24:39] Because I was in such fight or flight. I was in such fawn, well I was in more fawn than anything in my nervous system. Which is like freeze, numb, done. Um, that I couldn't do visualizations at all for a very long time. Like, my subconscious was like, nah, nah, nah. No, no, no. I won't let you see it. I will not let you see it.

[00:25:00] So, a lot of the time, like, keeping in mind that vision, a lot of successful entrepreneurs have that vision in mind. They use it as part of their visualizations, as part of their energetic shifts. The higher self, you know, shifts into how they're showing up for their day. Collapsing the time, all of the quantum leaps that comes from the clarity that they have of their vision and where they're taking the business because, again, they have the deep rooted self belief, they know what they're doing to get there, like it's all intertwining.

[00:25:31] And then the last one is the expanded capacity because when we've got the wealth mindset, the deep rooted self belief, we're selling, we're doing the needle moving activities, we've got the business resilience and we know where we're going with the vision, you then have to be okay with holding more. And, whether that's holding more capacity in the way of like, more programs or more clients inside the programs, whether that's holding more followers, more comments, more likes, more dislikes, I don't know.

[00:25:58] Whether that's holding more money in your bank account, more team members, whatever that looks like for you, you need to be able to expand your subconscious mind for the clarity within that. And I think getting really clear on that, Is really, really important. 

[00:26:14] So, these are the seven. Like I said, we've got, I go really, really deep into these in the freebie.

[00:26:20] And your first challenge is actually in the show notes. So, I want you to go into the show notes today. You should just be able to click down, or you can go to the website, which is where the podcast is. is also hosted and lives with all the show notes and the transcription of the podcast. And you'll find your very first challenge, your week one challenge of the July challenge in there.

[00:26:45] Welcome to the Subconscious Expert. I'm so excited where we're going with this podcast, I'm excited for July, and all of the things that I'm gonna be pushing you out of your comfort zone. We're gonna get out the sweatpants, get out of the sweatpants, and get into the sparkly fucking CEO trousers. Um, and subconsciously together, we're gonna absolutely rock the fuck out of July.

[00:27:10] I cannot wait. I'll see you on the next episode. Mwah! 

[00:27:13] I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So, whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favourite episode, reviewing the podcast, and of course, that juicy 5 star rating. These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you.

[00:27:38] Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon. com. I'll see you there.


More about The Subconscious Expert:

Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!


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