The Truth About Subconscious Work—It’s Not Just About Limiting Beliefs [ep. #222]

222. The Truth About Subconscious Work—It’s Not Just About Limiting Beliefs

Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!

Subconscious work is massively misunderstood in the online world. Most entrepreneurs think that subconscious work is all about breaking through limiting beliefs, working through past traumas, and uncovering every single block that's ever existed. But here's the thing about subconscious work... If all you ever focus on is finding what's wrong with you, you'll miss the real power of subconscious work.

I've seen entrepreneurs fall into a pattern where they get addicted to digging into their limiting beliefs. They become so caught up in this that they forget to look ahead and apply what they've learned. They just keep digging, thinking that once they overcome every block, they'll become the version of themselves they dream about.

How do I know? Because that was me. I was addicted to searching for answers about why I'm not taking action, instead of just taking the bloody action. And I don't want you to repeat the same mistake. So, ready to discover the real power of subconscious work? Let's tune in!


Topics covered on Subconscious Work:

  1. Why is subconscious work more than just healing and breaking through limiting beliefs?

  2. How can focusing on problems keep you stuck?

  3. What role does the reticular activating system play in shaping your mindset?

  4. How can you train your brain to see success as safe and expect it daily?

  5. What is the connection between your psychology and physiology in achieving your goals?


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Resources mentioned in this episode:



“ I was addicted to constantly looking at why I'm not taking the action rather than just fucking taking the action.” - Rebecca Haydon



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[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before, and I will say it a hundred times again. Your business cannot outgrow your mindset. And if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.

So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve. Hello, gorgeous lady, and welcome back to the Subconscious Expert. 

Today, we are diving into the truth about subconscious work and It's not just about limiting beliefs. Let me tell you this, because I really feel that the subconscious work sometimes gets massively misunderstood in the world that I work in.

And a lot of people think subconscious [00:01:00] work is just about digging Interlimiting beliefs, going deep into past trauma, unearthing every single block that's ever existed, and I have so many clients that are like, does the work ever end? Does the work ever end? And yes, look, it is absolutely Absolutely part of it.

In fact, it is a huge integral part of it. And throughout the whole of this podcast, this isn't me saying that I don't do this with clients. I do this a lot with clients. We dig into a lot of limiting beliefs. We go into the past, we unblock and unearth things, a lot of things. However, if that's all you focus on.

You're missing the real power of subconscious programming. And my clients know that I shift their state a lot when we work together one to one. We, yes, we do the dig in, but we also do a lot of work on their self concept, on identity, [00:02:00] on vibration shifting, state shifting. Because the subconscious work isn't just about fixing the limiting beliefs that you've had in your past.

It's also about Training your brain to make success, confidence, high vibrational energy, your absolute default state. So if you feel like you are constantly, quote unquote, working on yourself, but not actually feeling any better, this episode is for you. Now, the first thing I want to talk about is why subconscious work is more than healing and more than limiting beliefs.

Because, like I said, I see this all the time. Entrepreneurs who think they have to keep digging and digging and digging and keep uncovering and keep looking for what's wrong before they can step into their next level. I'm speaking from someone who [00:03:00] did this themselves. I was almost addicted to the subconscious work.

I was addicted to constantly looking at why I'm not taking the action rather than just fucking taking the action. And don't get me wrong. Like I said, understanding your limited beliefs is powerful. And always the first place that I start, I'm talking more to the people who have done that kind of understanding of your limiting beliefs than you've done the digging, but if you're always searching for what's blocking you, you're actually unintentionally training your subconscious to focus on problems rather than solutions.

Now, the subconscious mind operates on repetition and what we call confirmation bias. Meaning, the more you tell it, I have to fix things, I'm not healed yet, the more that it looks for proof that something is wrong. So from a neuroscience perspective, here's [00:04:00] what's happening. First of all, your reticular activating system, the best friend of the subconscious work, but your RAS is your brain filtering your reality based on what you believe.

And if you keep reinforcing the idea that you have blocks to clear before you can be successful, your RAS will continue finding proof of those blocks everywhere. I remember when I really called myself out on this and I almost felt like I couldn't share that information because I was like, well, I'm a subconscious expert, so if I'm not constantly working on my limiting beliefs and you know, like, then I'm a fraud.

And I was like, no, Beck. Absolutely not. That is a story. Like, that is a story because yes, I have done so much work, like honest to God, I have done the work from the past, from beliefs, from understanding myself. And actually I knew that if I carried on doing [00:05:00] that, yes, I could uncover new things, but actually I'm never embedding in the new identity that I've worked so hard to shift.

into by doing the uncovering. So I really needed to teach my RAS to not keep concentrating on the thousands of things that I need to work on, but actually start embedding this in. I do this with clients all the time. And usually I see a trend when people work with me one to one, they'll come in the first kind of three to four sessions.

We do a lot of the dig in. A lot of the work that I'm saying, you know, like we dig into the past, we understand their patterns, we understand the limiting beliefs, we understand what's blocking them, but there comes a point where they start to bring more things to WhatsApp for me, and I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, we don't need to go there right now, we are working on embedding this new identity, we are working on shifting your state to that next level state of yours, that higher self state.

And they're like, oh my god, Beck, like, it, [00:06:00] this feels unusual because they're, they're now kind of getting so much from doing the digging, but we have to get a point where ebbs and flows. Subconscious work, I always find ebbs and flows in the way of like, Uh, sometimes you'll be in the dig in, sometimes you'll be in the work.

And then once we've been in the work for a little bit, you'll go back up and kind of then start to solidify the work that we've done by shifting your state. And this is what I'm talking about today. Now, another neuroscience perspective here is your nervous system. Your nervous system is wired for safety, so if you are constantly unearthing past wounds without integrating new subconscious safety around success, around growth, it will feel heavy and exhausting, it will, the subconscious work will feel heavy and exhausting, and it's really important to do both in tandem, like I said, that ebb and flow, so the real problem quote unquote problem, [00:07:00] isn't that you have limiting beliefs, it's that you're training your subconscious to keep bloody looking for them.

And like we know, in the subconscious world, what you focus on expands. So why Focusing on only limiting beliefs can actually keep you stuck, and I know this almost is going against who I am as a trainer and a coach, however, the big, big part of my work is helping you shift into a new state, into a new identity, so think about it.

If your subconscious only hears, well, I need to find the next block, or I need to heal more before I can take action, I'm probably self sabotaging. Let me find out, let me dig around why I'm doing that. Your brain is being primed to operate from a problem solving state rather than a creation state. Now, a problem solving state is where your brain is scanning for issues to fix.[00:08:00] 

It's constantly analyzing. And it's hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper focused on what isn't working. Now a creation state, aka self, is when your brain is focused on expansion, ease, momentum, where you aren't waiting to be fully healed to work through every limiting belief before you move, before you step into your next level.

Like I said, that prefrontal cortex and limbic system, this is what's in action at the moment. So the prefrontal cortex self, your logical decision making part of your brain wants to find a solution. Your limbic system, your amygdala, your emotional processing center, Remembers past pains and wants to avoid it.

So if you keep telling yourself that you need to work through something before you move forward, [00:09:00] your brain literally creates resistance to ease and to success. And you're keeping your nervous system in a constant state of not enough yet. So let me ask you, What if nothing needed to be quote unquote fixed?

What if you simply started operating from your highest self now instead of waiting for permission? And what if the subconscious work wasn't about uncovering every single wound but about training your brain to normalize success, normalize ease, and normalize joy? Because that is truly what rewiring your subconscious is actually about.

So we want to start to shift to train your brain, train your subconscious for this high vibrational default [00:10:00] state. Now when I say high vibrational, I know a lot of people's Um, brains will go straight to like, you bouncing off the wall, sunshine yellow, oh my god, everything's so amazing. That's not what I mean here.

We all have a different version of what high vibrational state means to us. And I think understanding that and knowing that is very important. This is actually the work that we're doing inside the membership, the subconscious membership, at the moment. In March, again, you can join at any given moment and have full X access to every single month we've ever done.

But I'm really allowing the members inside to train their brain and train their nervous system to shift quickly that bounce back ability that I talk about all the time on the podcast into a state that serves them better. And what most people don't realize is your subconscious doesn't just hold beliefs.

Your subconscious is regulating your nervous system, it's [00:11:00] regulating your emotional baseline, and your automatic habits. And the most powerful thing you can do is not just remove what's blocking you, again, big part of my work, but also train your brain to make high, performance, high vibrational, better serving energy states, your default.

And from a neuroscience perspective behind why that works, first of all, neuroplasticity. Your brain rewires itself based on repeated emotional and thought patterns. So every time you shift into an elevated emotional state, you strengthen that pathway that makes confidence, trust, certainty, your default.

Neurons that fire together, wire [00:12:00] together. And that means if you constantly pair emotions that serve you better, positive emotions that serve you better, with success, with your success, your subconscious starts associating success with safety and ease instead of stress and pressure. We really want to hone in and build these neural pathways because this part of your brain, the, the part of your brain that runs on autopilot, the thoughts and the behaviors, if that is wired for stress and doubt and overwhelm, you'll keep it.

Falling back into those patterns, especially when you're tired, especially when you're overwhelmed, especially when you feel in burnout. So your work, the work that I do, the work that you do in my world, isn't just about clearing blocks. It's about actively training your subconscious to expect and embody [00:13:00] success as your natural state.

And by God, how differently your business will be, how differently you will show up, sell. Coach your clients, be in your business, shift to that next level when you are in that. So, how do we shift into a higher serving state without forcing it? First of all, we want to tap into your reticular activator system and condition your brain to expect success daily.

What if everything I desire is already on its way to me. What if I felt fully supported by my subconscious? What if my success was inevitable? What could go right today? This activates the prefrontal cortex to predict success, which rewires the RAS to look for opportunities instead of problems. We want to start shifting the focus and every time your focus goes back to what isn't working, why isn't [00:14:00] it me?

What I want you to go, um, uh, um, uh, um, not today. Not today. We are acknowledging. We are stopping the pattern and we're shifting. What am I doing to condition my brain to expect success? What would that look like? Number two. embodiment. Your psychology and your physiology are so interconnected and it is not just thought work in my world.

Your body leads, your mind follows. So if you are stuck in stress, if you are stuck in stagnation, you need to move your body. You need to move your, the energy in your body. Play the music that makes you feel powerful. Move your body in a way that feels expansive. Pull back your shoulders, open your chest, put your bloody face to the sun and say, I am amazing.

You know, move your body [00:15:00] because that is going to have such an impact on your mind. This is why the power pose went viral on TED talk because it was such a powerful concept that your physiology, your body has such connections to how you feel in your mind. It signals to your nervous system that you're safe and that ease is at your new default.

And that's what we want. We want to really, really train your, your nervous system to feel safe in that success. This is a big part of the work that I'm doing inside the membership at the moment. Number three, we want to anchor in the emotional States that support your growth. So your emotional baseline determines your results and maybe have a bit of a reflection.

What has been my emotional baseline over the last couple of weeks? What emotions have I been tapping into and feeling the most? And then ask every [00:16:00] morning. How can I feel whatever feeling that connects you to your higher self, that higher vibration, that higher state, today? So, how can I feel joy today?

How can I feel expansive today? How can I feel powerful today? How can I feel happiness? Whatever the words is that connect to your higher self feeling, how are you going to feel that today? What work subconscious is doing? Work are you going to do to feel that and that usually isn't digging into the things that are stopping you If you've already done the digging if you already know what's holding you back, which a lot of people do How can you have these?

subconscious menu Bits, you know, whether it's breathwork, EFT tap in, visualizations, hypnosis, this is why there is so much in my world when you come in for me to support you because all of these things, all of these tracks, hypnosis, visualization, EFT, all [00:17:00] of these are going to help you shift your state.

Music, going on a walk, dancing around the living room, whatever it is for you, how are you going to feel that today? Now, when doubt creeps in, I want you to stop. I want you to acknowledge and go, okay, I understand. This was a pattern we used to play. This is what used to happen, but today we're choosing this.

Now it might feel really uncomfortable. In fact, it will feel really uncomfortable because it is a new habit that you're putting in place, but keep going. Keep stopping, acknowledging, shifting, stopping, acknowledging, shifting. And stopping acknowledging shifting because we want to create and build the neural pathways to this new state, the more that you practice the new state, the more that you're in, you know, even if you visualize for three minutes, you sit down and you feel in that new state, feel how you feel, see what you see, really hear those.

Everything to do with that new state, tap into the [00:18:00] senses, the taste, the smells, the everything that you can in that state, in that emotional state that you want, that you would rather be in every single day and start to practice it. We, repetition is what the brain needs, recognizing what went well. Each day, end each day, going through your day and recognizing what went well.

It always reminds me of the film About Time, I don't know whether you've ever watched it. Beautiful, beautiful film. But he has the ability to rewind and do the day again, or do certain events again. And He uses it for different things throughout the film, but at the very, very end of the film, he said that he used to do the day and like there's bits where he doesn't, you know, look up and say thank you to the person who's given his coffee and he's running really late for work and he's really down, you know, he's really dampened by what something's happened at work and he lies in bed and he all the way back to the [00:19:00] start of the day and he lives it again.

In a better thinking state and so many things during that kind of reflection of him doing the day again, changes looking up and saying, thank you. And given the coffee, um, coffee connoisseur, I was going to say that the coffee woman, a smile, laughing at work, the so many times where we're so stuck in emotions and we're so, so stuck in, um, in like stories that we forget that we are.

in control of shifting our state. So yes, I know we don't have the ability to rewind and do the day again, but do it as you wake up. If you know what's going to happen in your day, play out the day and play yourself in that state. See how you move, see how you think, see how you feel. And then when you get back into bed at night, go back to the start of the day and recognize what went well, what felt.

Good. What did you do? What conversations [00:20:00] did you have? Where did you feel joy? Where did you feel love? Where did you feel happiness? So you train your subconscious to lock that in, lock that in. And it's going to reprogram your limbic system, your emotional center to, to default to trust instead of stress.

So the work, the real, real power of the subconscious work and look. I've been saying this for years very subconsciously to you because I will always, yes, dig, but then shift your state. It's not about fixing, it's about tweaking and upgrading and training your subconscious to make success your new normal.

Because when you stop waiting to heal and you start living from your highest energy, whatever that looks like, whether it's this real grounded energy, whether it is bouncing off the walls, everything shifts. So for the next seven days, [00:21:00] I want you to focus on training your subconscious for success without looking for blocks.

If this episode has hit. a little nerve or hit home for you, DM me on Instagram with your biggest shift today. And if you're ready to reprogram your subconscious for high state success, check out the membership, especially for March. And like I said, if you're listening to this past March, you can still drop in and have access to everything that we've done.

Prior, um, for the last bloody two years, to be honest. So this was a masterclass of an episode. I cannot wait for your ears to be in there and it for it, for it to drop and happy state shifting. I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So, whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favourite episode, reviewing the podcast, and of course, that juicy 5 star [00:22:00] rating.

These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you. Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore RebeccaHayden underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHayden. com. I'll see you there.


More about The Subconscious Expert:

Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!


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