This one goes out to all online business owners who want to grow their business to multi 6 figures, but STILL find themselves cockblocking their success…

The ultimate subconscious programming membership for ambitious female entrepreneurs ready to build their empire so they can scale their income, create a f**k tonne of impact & serve high calibre clients.

I’m basically hacking your system to catapult you into a productive, high performing and UNSTOPPABLE CEO.

I know that you’re wanting to be a part of the sustained success group…

The Subconscious Membership


The ultimate subconscious reprogramming membership for coaches and service providers who want to use scale their business to multi 6-figures and beyond…but keep stopping themselves from taking the MF’ing action.

There’s a big difference between the entrepreneurs who kill it in business and CONTINUE this winning streak versus the ones that see success but can’t sustain.

The ones that continue growing their businesses month on month are the ones that KEEP doing the mindset work even when they hit their highest cash months. 

In fact, it goes even FURTHER up their priority list.

Too often I’ve seen entrepreneurs put loads of time and energy into prioritising their mindset, scale their business to heights that had previously only ever existed on their vision board only to… get a little complacent with doing the work. 

It slips down their daily list of non-negotiable’s. 

And before you know it, their nervous system starts to become dysregulated again. Sales start to slow down. Business starts feeling out of alignment. That excitement of hitting their highest sales month fades pretty damn quick and they start to worry about how they’re going to keep growing.

I want you to know a secret…

This isn’t the time to neglect your subconscious mind, this is the time to MAINTAIN it so your business can CONTINUE to freaking THRIVE.

Your business CANNOT outgrow your subconscious beliefs baby!

The Goods Inside TSM…

  • Immersing yourself in an empowering community with other ambitious CEOs where together, we'll help you break through your income ceiling and give you the confidence, belief and strategies to stay there.

  • Get the clarity you need with our monthly Mindset Q&A sessions. Helping you escape the cycle of complacency and create sustainable, scalable growth. I work with you to develop a mindset that helps you grow to your highest potential, instead of settling for enough. Your next level is waiting, and it's time you fully embraced it.

  • Unlock your limitless potential with our monthly hypnosis and visualisation sessions. Mindset work is absolutely crucial as you evolve and grow in your business. Because unless you address the limiting beliefs that arise when you step into a new level, you will find yourself stepping back each time you’re about to leap.

  • As your subconscious expert I will step in and guide you through your subconscious journey inside the private podcast educating you subconsciously on how and why you operate as a human and how to translate this into your most effective, profitable and effortless strategy and operations so that you can start bringing in consistent high cash months with ease.

  • Immerse yourself in our monthly mindset trainings, where I take a visual deep dive into your subconscious and learn how to rewire it for success. I'm here to help you shed the self-doubt and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from fully stepping into the powerful business owner you have the potential to be.

  • Your daily destination for diving deep into understanding and optimising your subconscious mind. This is where you can identify the specific support your business needs each day and explore 14+ classroom portals designed to facilitate those shifts. Not only are we going to think bigger and make plans, we're actually going to make sure you execute them too. Make sure you show up every single day operating at the level you have decided you want to be at.

    The Classrooms You Get Immediate Access to:

    Procrastination Playbook

    • Overcome procrastination and take charge of your productivity with actionable strategies and mindset shifts.

    Mind Over Money

    • Elevate your money mindset to that of an abundant entrepreneur, attracting wealth and success with confidence and clarity.

    Beyond the 'How'

    • Trust in the journey of life and business as you release the need to control every detail and embrace the power of surrender.

    Take Action Now

    • Bridge the gap between strategy and success by embracing the power of doing, implementing your plans with determination and focus.

    Client Attraction Blueprint

    • Become a client magnet by unlocking the hidden code to irresistible attraction, effortlessly attracting your ideal clients daily.

    Go Big in Business

    • Amplify your business success by playing bigger, unleashing your potential and achieving extraordinary results.

    Identity Shifting

    • Experience transformative change as you embrace your true self and shift your identity to align with your deepest desires and aspirations.

    Deep Rooted Self Belief

    • Cultivate the unwavering self-belief that drives successful entrepreneurs and empowers you to achieve your business goals.

    Subconscious Selling

    • Tap into the power of the subconscious mind to influence buying decisions and drive sales success.

    Becoming Your Higher Self

    • Awaken your true potential as you embark on the path to becoming your higher self, discovering the depths of your being and manifesting your innate brilliance in every aspect of your life.

    Fear of Success

    • Explore strategies for breaking through the fear barrier that holds you back from embracing success, empowering yourself to rewrite your story and pursue your dreams with confidence and clarity

    Your Subconscious Parts

    • Peeling back the layers of your subconscious to reveal the parts that shape your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, unlocking profound self-awareness and transformation.

    High Achiever Roadblocks

    • Empower yourself to overcome the roadblocks hindering your success as a high achiever, and unleash your full potential with actionable strategies and insights.

What other unstoppable CEO’s are saying about TSM…

Let’s pause for a moment and imagine what would happen to your business if you turned the subconscious work UP a notch…

  • You would CONTINUE to increase your income, month on month 

  • You would be well on your way to hitting the 7 figure mark

  • You would have higher calibre, dream clients knocking on your digital door every day

  • You would be able to have the luxury of CHOOSING who you work with, not just having to work with people out of scarcity or fear no one better would come along

  • You would be able to outsource more of the tasks you have zero interest in and remain firmly in your zone of genius.

I know that you’re wanting to be a part of the sustained success group.

This means you need to prioritise doing the subconscious work every single day. 

It is THE catalyst for crazy growth.

The growth that doesn’t seem to make sense to anyone else watching you.


The private community of tenacious, action-taking entrepreneurs is at the heart of The Subconscious Membership, all dedicated to working through mindset and subconscious blocks together. Here, you’ll find a supportive network where you’ll never feel alone on your journey. As a member, you'll receive my personal support, along with the encouragement of other powerhouse members to step into your role as a CEO and high performer, hitting high cash months and unlocking your fullest potential.

The Private Subconscious Community

Hypnosis & Visualisation Tracks

Dive into a transformative journey with the collection of over 40 hypnosis and visualisation tracks. This is your dedicated space to relax and let my voice guide you through powerful neural reprogramming. Together, we'll rewire your subconscious mind for absolute success in your business. Each track is carefully crafted to help you overcome blockers, unlock your full potential, and achieve the success you deserve.

Immerse yourself in our monthly mindset trainings, where I take a visual deep dive into your subconscious and learn how to rewire it for success. These sessions go beyond basic understanding, offering in-depth insights, powerful prompts, and belief-breaking exercises. Each training is designed to help you dismantle limiting beliefs and reprogram your subconscious mind for ultimate success.

Monthly Mindset Trainings

Monthly Live Q&A Sessions

Each month, join our live Q&A session where you can tackle your limiting beliefs and subconscious blockers head-on. This is your opportunity to bring forward any challenges and receive personalised support to rewire your subconscious mind for business success. Whether you're looking to perfect your launch strategy, enhance your attraction marketing, or make bank in your biz, no question is off-limits. I'm here to provide the guidance you need to overcome obstacles and thrive in your entrepreneurial journey.

Monthly Private Podcast

Join me each month for an exclusive podcast where I delve deep into the world of your subconscious and the principles of neuroscience. Here, I break down the education behind your current behaviours and patterns, helping you understand them from a tangible and logical perspective. By grasping the 'why' behind your actions, you are prepped to initiate powerful subconscious shifts. This podcast is your go-to resource for gaining the insights you need to transform your mindset and elevate your business success.

Your daily destination for diving deep into understanding and optimising your subconscious mind. This is where you can identify the specific support your business needs each day and explore 14+ classroom portals designed to facilitate those shifts. Each portal is crafted to help you harness the power of your subconscious, providing the tools and insights necessary to lead yourself toward success.

The Subconscious Classroom

Your monthly investment to unleash the potential of your subconscious mind and finally break free from the chains of self-doubt and inconsistency.



Want a peek BTS?

Get an exclusive look behind the scenes of The Subconscious Membership. Discover what it's like to be part of this powerhouse community and how you can maximise your membership. Stay constantly plugged into the mindset work with our daily resources, monthly trainings, and live support sessions, ensuring you achieve continuous growth and success.

You always have a choice.

You can be like other people. 

Complaining, asking yourself disempowering questions, walking around with negative subconscious beliefs like ‘sales are so slow’, wondering why your business isn’t booming right now…

Or you can CHOOSE to be like MY PEOPLE.

The people who work on their subconscious beliefs so that they know there’s no need to blur boundaries to keep their needy AF clients ‘happy’ because they only work with high calibre, dream clients anyway. 

The people who know there’s no need to convince people to buy because they know their people WANT to and LOVE to buy from them.

The people who know there’s no need to worry about where their next sale is going to come from because money comes to them easily and effortlessly. After all, waking up to new sales and money in their bank account is just a regular Tuesday.

Hey, I’m Bec,

Master NLP & Hypnotherapist, Subconscious Lover & The Coach that’s going to change THE GAME for you and your business.

My identity has shifted BIG TIME since having my business. 

I wasn’t BORN this way. I wasn’t born a consistent, action taking, tenacious multi 6-figure business owner. I had to work on my subconscious mind and my identity to BECOME this way. 

And if I can do it, so can you baby.

4 years ago:  Last-minute, avoidant, scrappy. Unplanned and underprepared. Content went out on the day it was created and I felt like my business was always running me instead of the other way around. 

Today: An organised, in control CEO who has systems that run like a well oiled machine. I set early deadlines for myself and break tasks into small, manageable chunks so I’m always growing in the direction of my greater vision. There’s a reason I was able to have a multi-5 figure (low ticket!) launch whilst getting engaged on holiday in New York.

4 years ago: Fearful and anxious of never being able to be the successful business owner I envisioned, of never being as successful as those other coaches I saw online. Always thinking, ‘what if it doesn’t happen for me?!’  and feeling behind.

Today: Reprogrammed my mind to be resilient AF. I view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as obstacles that are blocking me from being successful. My personal worth is totally detached from my business - we are two entirely separate entities.

4 years ago: Easily distracted, scattered, unfocused and inconsistently showing up. If you wanted to look for a Grade A procrastinator, look no further. 

Today: I am focused AF, rarely procrastinate and am able to get myself into a deep state of focus where I can complete tasks without distraction. I’m able to be super productive, get my to-do list totally finished nearly every single day AND maintain high levels of creativity. 

This wasn’t an overnight fix but a constant dedication to doing the subconscious mindset work. 

And it paid off in more ways than one.

Ready to do this too so you can step into the next level you?

The Answers to Your FAQ’s…

  • Every month, you'll receive a new hypnosis session, visualisation, mindset Q&A, mindset training, and a private podcast. Additionally, you'll have access to community chat, where you can connect with me about your subconscious blockers and receive personalised guidance.

  • We understand that needs and circumstances can change. You can cancel your membership at any time. Upon signing up, you'll receive clear instructions on how to cancel if you choose to do so.

  • No, there is no minimum commitment period for The Subconscious Membership. You can stay as long as you find value and are free to cancel anytime.

  • While the membership does not include 1:1 sessions, you will have opportunities to interact with me through the community chat and during group Q&A calls. In these settings, I will provide guidance, answer your questions, and engage with you to support your journey.

£97 p/m

Your monthly investment to unleash the potential of your subconscious mind and finally break free from the chains of self-doubt and inconsistency.


No strategy is better than execution and your execution is highly affected by your mindset.

Ready to achieve + sustain mind blowing results through subconscious reprogramming and mindset maintenance?

  • Unlock your highest level performance

  • Build unwavering self-trust

  • Overcome limiting beliefs

  • Embrace quantum leaps in your business

  • Become an industry leader

  • Create a deep mindset routine that supports your growth