5 Steps I Took to Reprogram my Subconscious Mind & Make Multi 5-Figure Months My Consistent…

BTS FREE Masterclass

& how you can too, YES IT’S POSSIBLE HONEY PIE!

Inside this free masterclass I am going to be pulling back the curtains on exactly what I’ve done subconsciously and strategically to build, grow and run a multi-6 figure business. 

Wednesday 26th June, 6:00pm

  • You are craving for more space than ever in your business, money consistently coming in, accepting big juicy opportunities but right now you know your mindset is blocking you because you think you can't handle the next level.

  • You are ready to let go of the anxiety you feel when things challenge you in your business. You desire to feel curious about them in a positive way, wondering how they will enable you and your business to grow. No more over perfecting your posts, your sales pages, your offers and draining yourself to serve your clients like you do.

  • You are determined to move through the feeling of pressure in your business. “what if it stops growing, what if it slows down, what if this was all just a fluke” and show up to your business feeling confident, energised, authentic, calm, full of self belief. Working intentionally, working with focus and KNOWING “no matter what happens I win”

Powerhouse, this masterclass is for you if:

Powerhouse, this masterclass is for you if:

Inside, I’ll be teaching you the exact tools I use on a daily basis that help me navigate the seas of life and still make BANK in my business. 


Inside the BTS Masterclass you will learn :

  • The 5 steps I took to program my subconscious mind to be able to eliminate self doubt and unlock my next level, time and time again.

  • The number 1 mindset shift that will make sales feel effortless and natural, so you can radiate confidence and effortlessly attract clients, wealth and incredible opportunities online.

  • Master the techniques that allowed me to maintain multi-5 figure months consistently, aligning your mindset to ongoing, overflowing abundance (hello 7 figure business).

  • My secret subconscious weapon on how to calibrate the productive, action taking, activated YOU who shows up for their business at their fullest potential every single day despite whatever challenges or beliefs around your identity you have today.

& so much more baby.

I don’t want to brag but…

I’ve never been in better shape (Subconsciously, that is 😉)

Hey I’m Beckie, Subconscious Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs wanting to scale to multi 6 figures and beyond using their subconscious and aligned strategy.

Look, my income hasn’t dipped below multi-5 figure months in three whole YEARS.

And it hasn’t just happened to me because of luck or because I’ve been in business for a while now (I know loads of people who have been in biz the same amount of time as me and are complaining sales are ‘slow’)

It’s happened because I have built and run my business in a way where I can HOLD myself in my business - in the structure, in the operations, in the foundations so my monthly income NEVER drops below multi-5 figures. Allowing me to knock my sales out of the freaking park every single month, without fail.

But most of all - I have made working on my subconscious mind my NUMBER ONE priority. No ifs ands or buts.

If you want a multi 6-fig business…(which obviously you do!)

You need to adopt the identity of a multi 6-fig CEO,

you need to take action as a multi 6-fig CEO, you need to BE the multi 6-fig CEO.

But it starts with shifting your mindset.

This is the key to breaking through to your next level